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Perspectives on Supersymmetry cover

Supersymmetry is at an exciting stage of development. It extends the Standard Model of particle physics into a more powerful theory that both explains more and allows more questions to be addressed. Most important, it opens a window for studying and testing fundamental theories at the Planck scale. Experimentally we are finally entering the intensity and energy regions where superpartners are likely to be detected, and then studied. There has been progress in understanding the remarkable physics implications of supersymmetry, including the derivation of the Higgs mechanism, the unification of the Standard Model forces, cosmological connections such as a candidate for the cold dark matter of the universe and the scalar fields that drive inflation and their potential, the relationship to Planck scale theories, and more.

While there are a number of reviews and books where the mathematical structure and uses of supersymmetry can be learned, there are few where the particle physics is the main focus. This book fills that gap. It begins with an excellent pedagogical introduction to the physics and methods and formalism of supersymmetry, by S Martin, which is accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of the Standard Model of particle physics. Next is an overview of open questions by K Dienes and C Kolda, followed by chapters on topics ranging from how to detect superpartners to connections with Planck scale theories, by leading experts.

This invaluable book will allow any interested physicist to understand the coming experimental and theoretical progress in supersymmetry, and will also help students and workers to quickly learn new aspects of supersymmetry they want to pursue.

Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (431 KB)
Chapter 1: A Supersymmetry Primer (4,750 KB)

  • A Supersymmetry Primer (S P Martin)
  • Supersymmetry and Particle Physics: A Roadmap of Future Directions (K R Dienes & C Kolda)
  • Soft Supersymmetry-Breaking Terms from Supergravity and Superstring Models (A Brignole et al.)
  • Regularisation of Supersymmetric Theories (I Jack & D R T Jones)
  • Supersymmetry and String Theory (M Dine)
  • Supersymmetric Particle Searches at LEP (J-F Grivaz)
  • The Search for Supersymmetry at the Tevatron Collider (M Carena et al.)
  • Low-Energy Supersymmetry at Future Colliders (J F Gunion & H E Haber)
  • Supersymmetric Event Generation and the Reach of Colliders for Supersymmetry (H Baer & S Mrenna)
  • Mass Density of Neutralino Dark Matter (J D Wells)
  • Supersymmetry and Inflation (L Randall)
  • Z′ Physics and Supersymmetry (M Cvetic & P Langacker)
  • Probing Physics at Short Distances with Supersymmetry (H Murayama)
  • A Higgsino-LSP World (G L Kane)
  • Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (G F Giudice & R Rattazzi)
  • Charge and Color Breaking (J A Casas)
  • Supersymmetric Loop Effects (P H Chankowski & S Pokorski)
  • CP Violation in Low-Energy SUSY (A Masiero & L Silvestrini)
  • Supergravity Unified Models (R Arnowitt & P Nath)
  • An Introduction to Explicit R-Parity Violation (H Dreiner)

Readership: High-energy, astro-, experimental and theoretical physicists.