Examples of Quantized Field Theories
The following sections are included:
The Maxwell Field
Momentum Representations
Fourier Analysis of Operators
Emission and Absorption Operators
Gauge-Invariance of the Theory
The Vacuum State
The Gupta-Bleuler Method
Example: Spontaneous Emission of Radiation
The Hamiltonian Operator
Fluctuations of the Fields
Fluctuation of Position of an Electron in a Quantized Electromagnetic Field. The Lamb Shift
Theory of Line Shift and Line Width
The Interaction Representation
The Application of the Interaction Representation to the Theory of Line-Shift and Line-Width
Calculation of Line-Shift, Non-Relativistic Theory
The Idea of Mass Renormalization
Field Theory of the Dirac Electron, Without Interaction
Covariant Commutation Rules
Momentum Representations
Fourier Analysis of Operators
Emission and Absorption Operators
Charge-Symmetrical Representation
The Hamiltonian
Failure of Theory with Commuting Fields
The Exclusion Principle
The Vacuum State
Field Theory of Dirac Electron in External Field
Covariant Commutation Rules
The Hamiltonian
Antisymmetry of the States
Polarization of the Vacuum
Calculation of Momentum Integrals
Physical Meaning of the Vacuum Polarization
Vacuum Polarization for Slowly Varying Weak Fields. The Uehling Effect
Field Theory of Dirac and Maxwell Fields in Interaction
The Complete Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics
Free Interaction Representation