An Approach to Microcontroller-Based Realization of Boost Converter with Quasi-Sliding Mode Control
The paper considers a realization of quasi-sliding mode control for DC–DC boost-type converter on ATmega8 microcontroller. The proposed control law represents a combination of discrete-time sliding mode and generalized minimum variance control techniques. The control design is based on input–output converter model and only the sensed output voltage is used for generating control signal. This approach simplifies the practical realization of boost converter since there is no need for current sensors. By introducing an additional discrete-time integrator in control, the converter accuracy in steady-state under load and input voltage variations is enhanced. The experimental prototype is developed and several experiments are conducted to validate the functionalities of the proposed solution. The maximum load and line regulation errors of the proposed converter are 1.55% and 2.9%, respectively.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Zoran Stamenkovic.