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香港社區精神健康照顧服務12個月的成效研究 by:2 (Source: Crossref)

    社區精神復康服務在西方國家發展悠久,不同的相關文獻與實証爲本研究 ( evidence-based research) 顯示,該服務形式對生活於社區的精神病康復者有顯著成效。自2005年開始,在政府和非政府機構推動下,社區精神健康照顧服務在香港不同的地方推行。然而,有關本港社區精神健康照顧服務的研究卻相當貧乏。是次研究運用單組前測後測設計 (one group pre-test and post-test design) 方式,評估一個在本港推行的社區精神健康照顧服務,對離院後重返社區生活的服務使用者的成效。是次研究邀請了120名精神病康復者參與研究,共有87名研究對象完成所有測試。當中測試範疇包括精神病徵狀、生活質素、自我效能、社區生活技巧。研究發現在開始接受服務後的6至12個月,社區精神健康照顧服務減少精神病徵狀 (p<.001)、提高生活質素 (p<.05)、增強自我效能 (p<.001)和提升社區生活技巧 (p<.001) 能夠爲康復者帶來非常正面的效果。

    Community mental health care services have been developing in Western countries for decades and have been proved to be effective in facilitating the rehabilitation of people with mental illness into the community in many evidence-based research studies. In Hong Kong, with the support of the government and non-government organisations, community mental health care services have been set up in different districts since 2005. However, research on the services is limited. By using the one-group pre-test and post-test design method, this study examines the effects of one Community Mental Health Care Services on the rehabilitation of people with mental illness discharged from hospitals. A total number of 120 service users participated in the study and 87 subjects completed all the assessments in different areas, including psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, self-efficacy and community living skills, before the commencement of intervention, 6 months after the intervention and at 12 months immediately after the intervention. Results showed that the subjects had lessened psychiatric symptoms (p<.001), better quality of life (p<.05), enhanced self-efficacy (p<.001) and increased community living skills (p<.001), after the services. The study revealed significant positive effects of the community mental heath care services on people with mental illness in the community.