The main idea behind this book is to present a rigorous derivation of the equations that govern light propagation in highly scattering media, with an emphasis on their applications in imaging in biology and medicine. The equations and formulas for diffuse light propagation are derived from the very beginning, and all the necessary analytical expressions needed to complete a complex imaging or characterization problem are presented step by step.
This book provides postgraduate and PhD students with the basic framework and sufficient knowledge in light transport and the related mathematical methods to solve most complex problems that may appear in biomedical applications involving multiple scattered light. All results presented are formal analytical derivations from the complete problem, presenting, in those cases which are relevant, approximations to these expressions.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (60 KB)
Chapter 1: Light Absorbers, Emitters and Scatterers: The Origins of Color in Nature (1,031 KB)
- Light Propagation in Tissues:
- Light Absorbers, Emitters, and Scatterers: The Origins of Color in Nature
- Scattering and Absorption
- The Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE)
- Fick's Law and The Diffusion Approximation
- Diffuse Light:
- The Diffusion Equation
- Propagation and Spatial Resolution of Diffuse Light
- The Point Source Approximation
- Diffuse Light at Interfaces
- Fluorescence and Bioluminescence in Diffuse Media: An Ill-Posed Problem
- Imaging in Diffusive Media: The Inverse Problem
Readership: Students and professionals working in the field of optical biomedical applications.
“This textbook is a valuable reference for anyone interested in the field of light propagation in tissues and biomedical imaging applications. Elegantly written, it nicely fills the gap between theory and practical issues. Highly recommended to students or established researchers, who are eager for a basic understanding of light transport models and their use in quantitative imaging in biology and medicine.”
Institut Langevin, ESPCI ParisTech, France
“The book concentrates on laying out the mathematical details step by step rather than discussing many practical applications. It is thus most suitable for physicist for engineers (or students in this field) familiar with some basic mathematical notations. Studying the book requires no prior knowledge about diffuse light imaging and thus can be particularly useful for researchers entering this fascinating and booming field of research.”
Prof. Dr. Frank Scheffold
University of Fribourg – Perolles
“It contains a logical and thorough derivation of the mathematical framework, which makes the solution of this inverse problem understandable. The author has done a very good job in writing a book that is simultaneously informative, interesting, accessible and very timely. I recommend this book for anyone with an interest or performing research in the field of diffuse optics.”
Contemporary Physics