Errett Bishop's mathematical work was divided between complex and functional analysis, and constructive mathematics. The influence of his discoveries in these areas is still strongly felt today.
- Spectral Theory of Operators on a Banach Space
- Subalgebras of Functions on a Riemann Surface
- Measures Orthogonal to Polynomials
- The Structure of Certain Measures
- Approximation by a Polynomial and its Derivatives on Certain Closed Sets
- A Duality Theorem for an Arbitrary Operator
- A Minimal Boundary for Function Algebras
- Some Theorems Concerning Functions Algebras
- The Representations of Linear Functionals by Measures on Sets of Extreme Points
- Simultaneous Approximation by a Polynomial and Its Derivatives
- Boundary Measures of Analytic Differentials
- A Generalization of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem
- A Proof that Every Banach Space is Subreflexive
- Mappings of Partially Analytic Spaces
- Some Global Problems in the Theory of Functions of Several Complex Variables
- Partially Analytic Spaces
- A General Rudin-Carleson Theorem
- Analyticity in Certain Banach Algebras
- The Support Functionals of a Convex Set
- Holomorphic Completions, Analytic Continuation and the Interpolation of Semi-Norms
- Representing Measures for Points in a Uniform Algebra
- Differentiable Manifolds in Complex Euclidean Space
- Constructive Methods in the Theory of Banach Algebras
- An Upcrossing Inequality with Applications
- A Constructive Ergodic Theorem
- The Constructivization of Abstract Mathematical Analysis
Readership: Mathematicians.
“This book contains Bishop's main papers allow to evaluate the importance of the contributions by Bishop in classical analysis and will undoubtedly be useful to all mathematicians working hard in that field.”
Mathematics Abstracts