This volume, the first of a two-volume book, consists of a collection of comprehensive reviews and lectures written by active researchers on topics in chaotic phenomena.
- Directions in Classical Chaos (J Ford)
- Nonlinear Resonance and Chaos in Conservative Systems (L Reichl & W-M Zheng)
- Generalized Renormalization Group Analysis of Period-Doubling Bifurcations (K L Liu & K Young)
- Application of Dimension Algorithms to Experimental Chaos (G Mayer-Kress)
- Emergence of Chaos in Laser Systems and the Development of Diagnostic Techniques (J Tredicce & L Narducci)
- Dissipative Classical and Quantum Dynamics: the Morse Oscillator (J M Yuan)
- Transitions to Chaos in Higher Dimensions (B Hu & J-M Mao)
- Phenomenology of Spatio-Temporal Chaos (J Crutchfield & K Kaneko)
Readership: Condensed matter physicists, applied mathematicians and computer scientists.
“This is an outstanding book which can be recommended to anyone interested in chaos.”
Professor W J Firth
Contemporary Physics, 1989