Sample Chapter(s)
The Von Bertalanffy Growth Rate as a Function of Physiological Paramters (3,217 KB)
- Physiological and Evolutionary Approaches:
- The Von Bertalanffy Growth Rate as a Function of Physiological Paramters (S A L M Kooijman)
- Limits of Hyperbolic Growth and Selection in Molecular and Biological Populations (E Szatkmary, M Kotsis & I Soheuring)
- ESS in Habitat Selection in Structured Populations and in Ecological Communities (I) (D Cohen)
- Avoidable Mortality in Life-History Theory (J A Leon)
- Plant and Plant-Insect Systems:
- Models for Aggregating Populations (P Turchin)
- Plant-Herbivore Systems (L Edelstein-Keshet)
- Extraordinary Latitudinal Gradients in Species-Richness - One Explanation (P Kindlmann)
- Incomplete Data in Ecological Studies: the Problem of Truncation with Mixing (A P Gore & S A Paranjpe)
- An Objective Method for the Determination of an Effective and Efficient Plot Size in Vegatational Sampling (S S Shaukat)
- Aquatic Systems:
- Nutrient Recycling and System Resilience in a Model of an Experimental Aquatic System (D L DeAngelis)
- Modeling and Management for Seawater Fishponds (S Ellner, M D Krom & F Brauer)
- Transient Spatial Patterns in Plankton Communities: Blooms and Travelling Waves of Phytoplankton in Estuaries (T M Powell, S Wilmott, J D Murray & V S Manoranjan)
- Biological Vortex Rings: Fertilization and Dispersal of Fish Eggs (A Okubo)
- Mathematical Modeling in a Sewage Outfall Design (H L Koh)
- Epidemiology:
- Cross-Immunity in the Dynamics of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
- Populations (C Castillo-Chavez, H W Hethoote, V Andreas en, S A Levin & W-m Liu)
- Global Stability Results for a Multigroup SIR Epidemic Model (E Beretta & V Capasso)
- Dynamics of Parasitic Infections and of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (K P Hadeler)
- Resource Management and Other Applications:
- Specialists and Generalists in the Fishery: Implications of an Ecological-
- Economic Analogy (R MoKelvey)
- Models for Cooperation and Conspiracy in Fisheries: Fishing Mortality Patterns (G N white III)
- The Conservation and Maintenance of Valuable Resources: Optimal Expenditure Strategies (R H Lamberson)
- Discrete Nonlinear Harvesting Models and their Application to Forest Stand Management (W M Getz & R G Haight)
- Population Dynamics in Harshly Varying Environments: Evolutionary, Ecological and Medical Aspects (Z Agur)
- Mixture Approach to Clustering (S Ganesalingam)
- Analysis of Population Models:
- The Allee Effect in Age-Structured Population Dynamics (J M Cashing)
- Some More Results in Young Predation (M Saleem & R K Pandey)
- Modeling and Estimation in Size Structured Population Models (H T Banks, L W Botsford, F Kappel & C Wang)
- On Ergodic Non-Homogeneous Finite First-Order Markov Chains and Their Demographic Applications (F K Atsem)
- Density-Dependent Markov Branching Processes (P R Parthasarathy)
- Numerical Solution of a Population Model with Harvesting in a Random Environment (G W Harrison)
- Analysis of Community Models:
- Models of Community Assembly and the Structure of Ecological Landscapes (J A Drake)
- Coexistence and Survival of Invading Species (F Brauer)
- Boundedness in Persistently Disturbed Systems via the "Second Method" of Liapunov (A B Xaba)
- Saturated Equilibria, Permanence, and Stability for Ecological Systems (J Hofbauer)
- Permanence of Some Four-Species Prey-Predator Systems with Lotka-Volterra Dynamics (G Kirlinger)
- Communities with Interference Competition: Direct and Indirect Effects of Predation on their Structures (N Shigesada* K Kawasaki & E Teramotov)
- A Connection Matrix Approach Illustrated by Means of a Predator-Prey Model Involving Group Defense (K Misohaikow & G S K Wolkowioz)
- Oscillations in Segregation of Competing Populations (M Mimura, Y Kan-on & Y Nishiura)
- The Time Optimal Control Theory of Functional Differential Equations Applicable to Mathematical Ecology (E N Chukwu)
- Relative Persistence for Stochastic Population Models: Finite Sample Boundedness (T C Gard)
Readership: Mathematical ecologists & Theoretical biologists.