For the past few years, there has been a growing interest in the study of artificial intelligence and rule-based expert systems. Their research and development have progressed very rapidly to a point where many theorems and principles can be applied to solve realistic problems. This volume, containing highly selected papers from the International Conference on Chinese and Oriental Languages Computing (1987) is perhaps the first one ever to systematically present papers and articles incorporating such intelligence technologies into Chinese language computing. The 12 articles are classified into 3 sections, namely, (1) knowledge–based systems, (2) speech processing and recognition, and (3) character recognition and knowledge pattern representation.
- Generating Chinese Responses in a Medical Question-Answering System (P Y Li & M Evens)
- Prolog–Based Chinese Expert Systems (L S Hsu)
- Word–Based Chinese Language Understanding System (T S Yao)
- Knowledge–Based Chinese Letter Writer (T T Koh)
- Recognition of Lexical Tones for Isolated Syllables and Disyllables in Mandarin Chinese (W J Yang et al.)
- A Logical Approach to Movement Transformations in Mandarin Chinese (H H Chen et al.)
- Efficient Speech Recognition Technique for the Finals of Mandarin Syllables (C–H Hwang et al.)
- Fast Chinese Characters Accessing Technique Using Mandarin Phonetic Transcriptions (C C Chang & H C Wu)
- System for On–Line Recognition of Chinese Characters (K–J Chen et al.)
- Stroke Relation Coding — A New Approach to the Recognition of Multi–Font Printed Chinese Characters (P-N Chen et al.)
- Knowledge Pattern Representation of Chinese Characters (P S-P Wang)
- Kanji Recognition Method which Detects Writing Errors (T Morishita et al.)
Readership: Computer scientists.