This book has the aim of dealing with the Nonlinear evolution problems related to the spatially dependent Boltzmann and Enskog equations.
- Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation:
- The Distribution Function, The Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation, Elementary Properties of the Boltzmann Equation, Plan of the Book
- The Cauchy Problem for Initial Data Decaying at Infinity:
- Nonlinear Boltzmann-Type Equations
- Existence and Uniqueness, Fundamental Inequalities and Main Results, Physical Consistency of the Results, H-Theorem and Asymptotic Behaviour of the Solution, Existence Theory near a Local Maxwellian, The Iteration Scheme in Presence of Boundaries
- The Cauchy Problem for Initial Data Close to Equilibrium:
- Local Existence Theorem, Global Existence in a Bounded Domain, Global Existence in R3, Other Global Existence Results
- Kinetic Equations for Dense Gases:
- The Enskog Equation, The Initial Value Problem for the Enskog Equation, Asymptotic Equivalence Between the Boltzmann and Enskog Equations
- Open Problems and Exercises:
- On the Initial Value Problem, The Initial-Boundary Value Problem, The Semidiscrete Boltzmann Equation
- The Linearized Boltzmann Equation:
- Basic Properties of the Linearized Boltzmann Operator, The Linearized Boltzmann Operator in a Bounded Rectangular Domain, The Resolvent of the Boltzmann Operator, The Spectrum of the Boltzmann Operator in a Bounded Domain, The Boltzmann Semigroup in a Bounded Domain, The Boltzmann Semigroup in R3
Readership: Applied mathematicians, mathematical physicists and theoretical physicists
“The book is the first of its kind …. provides very useful information ”
N B Maslova (Leningrad)