This book is an edited version of lectures given by the authors at a seminar at the Rand Afrikaans University. It gives a survey on the Painlevé test, Painlevé property and integrability. Both ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations are considered.
- Introduction
- Painlevé Test and Ordinary Differential Equations
- Applications
- Ziglin's Theorems and Nonintegrability
- Group Theoretical Reduction of Partial Differential Equations and Painlevé Test
- Painlevé Property and Painlevé Test for Partial Differential Equation
- Painlevé Property and Integrability
- Hirota Technique and Painlevé Test
- Deformation of Painlevé Series under Symmetry Reduction
- Integrable Field Equations
- Nonintegrable Field Equations
- Painlevé Transcendents in Statistical Mechanics
Readership: Mathematicians and physicists.
“This excellent book is more than a survey on the Painlevé test, Painlevé property and integrability of both ordinary and partial differential equations; it also presents the recent progress in a rapidly growing field.”
Mathematics Abstracts