This proceedings is a follow-up for the TASI series held annually to discuss the current theoretical and experimental status in elementary particle physics. Since TASI is designed primarily for advanced graduate students, lectures tend to be pedagogical, in the same mood of the equally successful Erice schools. Brown TASI-88 covered four inter-related areas: Standard Particle Physics, Non-Perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theories, Strings and Superstrings, Cosmology and Neutrino-Astrophysics.
- Radiative Effects and Flavor Mixing in the Standard Model (R D Peccei)
- The Standard Model and Beyond: the Axion Physics (J E Kim)
- Decoupling Anomalies (R D Ball)
- A Short Tour of the Universe: An Introduction to Supernovae, the Solar Neutrino Puzzle and the Missing Mass Problem (D N Spergel)
- Cosmology and Particle Physics (M S Turner)
- Baby Universes (A Strominger)
- Phase Transitions as the Origin of Large Scale Structure in the Universe (N Turok)
- Remarks on Thermodynamics of Strings (G G Athanasiu & J J Atick)
- Statistical Mechanics of Strings at High Energy Densities (C-I Tan)
- Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (D Weingarten)
- Field Theory Methods and Strongly Correlated Electrons (I Affleck)
- Integrable Models: 4 Introductory Lectures (N Andrei)
- Supersymmetry: Microphysics and Macrophysics (M Dine)
- Fundamental Strings (S B Giddings)
- Sigma Models and String Theory (C Callan & L Thorlacius)
- Conformal Field Theory and Applications (J-B Zuber)
- Construction of Interacting Strings and Superstring Field Theory (A Jevicki)
- Conformal Algebra of Riemann Surfaces (C Vafa)
- Lectures on Supermanifolds and Strings (P Nelson)
Readership: High energy physicists, astrophysicists, cosmologists and mathematical physicists.