Sample Chapter(s)
The Search for Superconductors with Tc Higher than 130K (288 KB)
- The Search for Superconductors with Tc Higher than 130K (Z J Chen et al)
- Magnetic Pairing Mechanism in High Tc LSCO and YBCO (Z Z Gan et al)
- Effects of Melting Technological Parameters on Jc in Melt-Textured YBa2Cu3O7-y Material (F S Liu et al)
- Evidence of Entangled Flux Liquid States in High Tc Superconducting BiCaSrCuO and TlBaCaCuO Systems (S B Nam)
- Evaluation of Ideal Future Thin Film, High Tc Josephson Junction as Detectors at Millimeter Wave Frequencies (N F Pedersen)
- Some Possible Applications of High Tc Superconductors in Analog Electronics (P H Wu)
- Epitaxial Superconducting Film Prepared by MOCVD and RF Magnetron Sputtering (Z L Wu et al)
- Current Theoretical Understanding of High Tc Superconductivity (Yu Lu)
- Experimental Observation on Bi- Single Crystals with 2212 Phase (Z X Zhao)
- High Temperature Superconductivity in Micron Size Powders (G Shaw et al)
- Optical Properties of High Temperature Superconducting Materials in Y-Ba-Cu-O Systems (H Kezuka & T Masaki)
- Quasitwins in Crystals HoBaCuO (V Sh Shekhtman)
- Superconductivity in Models of Conducting Polymers (J Voit)
- and others
Readership: Physicists, chemists, material scientists.