The Chinese economy is growing at an unprecedented speed, and one of the emerging trends is angel investment. It is an area with tremendous potential for growth. Compared with the more mature markets in Western countries, however, angel investing in China is still at an early stage, due to a lack of incentives and insufficient policy support.
By delving into existing literature on China's angel investment and conducting interviews with leading angel investors for China and abroad, Prof. Liu Manhong and Dr Wang Jiani — both scholars on and practitioners in the angel investment market — try to provide readers with a detailed picture of China's angel market: What is going on in the market? How should the government formulate relevant polices? And, perhaps more pertinently, what should investors know if they have invested in or are going to enter this market?
This book will be very useful for scholars and researchers on China's angel market, as well as those "angels" who would like to tap its full potential.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (42 KB)
Chapter 1: The Origin and Development of Angel Investment (73 KB)
- Foreword
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Overview of Angel Investment:
- The Origin and Development of Angel Investment
- Concepts and Financial Connotations of Angel Investments
- The Necessity and Feasibility of Developing Angel Investment
- Angel Investment Practice:
- The Study of Angel Investment in China
- How Founders Can Win Over Investors
- How Investors Can Get Involved in Angel Investment
- How Third Parties Can Strengthen Angel Investment
- Angel Market in China:
- Market Conditions of Angel Investment in China
- The Ecological Environment for Angel Investment in China
- How China Can Learn from the Development of Angel Investment around the World
- Special Research:
- Angel Investment in Hong Kong SAR, China
- Centers of Angel Investment: Zhongguancun Science Park, Beijing
- Survey Report of Innovative Incubators in Zhongguancun, Beijing
- Development of Crowd Funding of Angel Investment in China
- Appendices
- Afterword
- Index
Readership: Students, researchers, investors and policy makers who are interested in learning more about China's angel market.
Prof. Liu Manhong (Mannie) is the Director of Venture Capital Research Group at the Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Director of National Venture Capital Research Committee, Chinese Academy of Management. Prof. Liu got her PhD from Cornell University in 1994 and used to work as a research faculty at Harvard University. Apart from academic positions, Prof. Liu also serves as a board member in a number of angel investment associations, including China Business Angel Association, and World Business Angel Association. Prof. Liu's main academic interests are private equity and venture capital, business angel investing, green investment (clean-tech ventures) and green economy.
Prof. Liu published Venture Capital: Innovation and Finance in 1998, one of earliest Chinese books on venture capital. Her latest English books, Renewable Energy in China: Towards a Green Economy and Angels without Boarders, were published in 2013 and 2015 respectively.
Dr. Wang Jiani (Jenny) is a lecturer at the School of Finance, Capital University of Economics and Business, China. She also serves as the executive Secretary of National Venture Capital Research Committee, Chinese Academy of Management. Dr. Wang began her study on SMEs financing and venture capital at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2009.
In 2013, she began to work at the Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a postdoctoral fellow. She focuses on angel investment in China, and among her research collaborators are Mr Cheng Siwei (the "Father of Venture Capital" in China) and Prof. Liu Manhong (one of the leading researchers on venture capital in China). Her latest Chinese books, China Angel Investment (co-authored with Prof. Liu) and Angels without Borders (translated from English), were both published in 2015.
Ms Chen Su (Susan) is a PhD candidate in finance, Renmin University of China, and her main research areas are angel investing, cross-border venture capital, among others. She contributed in the research and translation of the two books, Angel Investing in China and Angels without Borders.
From 2011 to 2014, she worked as a researcher in China Venture Capital Research Institute. She was a member of the research team for China Venture Capital Yearbook (2012, 2013 and 2014). Ms Chen graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, with a Bachelor's degree in Actuarial Studies and Accounting and a Master's degree in Finance.