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New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider cover
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The Standard Theory of Particle Physics describes successfully the observed strong and electroweak interactions, but it is not a final theory of physics, since many aspects are not understood: (1) How can gravity be introduced in the Standard Theory? (2) How can we understand the observed masses of the leptons and quarks as well as the flavor mixing angles? (3) Why are the masses of the neutrinos much smaller than the masses of the charged leptons? (4) Is the new boson, discovered at CERN, the Higgs boson of the Standard Theory or an excited weak boson? (5) Are there new symmetries at very high energy, e.g. a broken supersymmetry? (6) Are the leptons and quarks point-like or composite particles? (7) Are the leptons and quarks at very small distances one-dimensional objects, e.g. superstrings?

This proceedings volume comprises papers written by the invited speakers discussing the many important issues of the new physics to be discovered at the Large Hadron Collider.

Sample Chapter(s)
Accelerator Considerations of Large Circular Colliders (401 KB)

  • Preface
  • Accelerator Considerations of Large Circular Colliders (Alex Chao)
  • Physics Potential and Motivations for a Muon Collider (Mario Greco)
  • Pentaquarks and Possible Anomalies at LHCb (George Lafferty)
  • Neutrino Masses and SO10 Unification (P Minkowski)
  • Neutrino Experiments: Hierarchy, CP, CPT (Manmohan Gupta, Monika Randhawa and Mandip Singh)
  • Constraining the Texture Mass Matrices (Gulsheen Ahuja)
  • Rare B-Meson Decays at the Crossroads (Ahmed Ali)
  • Exploring the Standard Model at the LHC (Brigitte Vachon)
  • Meson/Baryon/Tetraquark Supersymmetry from Superconformal Algebra and Light-Front Holography (Stanley J Brodsky, Guy F de Téramond, Hans Günter Dosch and Cédric Lorcé)
  • The Spin-Charge-Family Theory (Norma Susana Mankoč Borstnik)
  • Search for Direct CP Violation in Baryonic b-Hadron Decays (C Q Geng and Y K Hsiao)
  • New Physics and Astrophysical Neutrinos in IceCube (Atsushi Watanabe)
  • The 750 GeV Diphoton Excess and SUSY (S Heinemeyer)
  • Constraints on the ωπ Form Factor from Analyticity and Unitarity (B Ananthanarayan, Irinel Caprini and Bastian Kubis)
  • Dynamical Tuning of the Initial Condition in Small Field Inflations — Can We Testify the CW Mechanism in the Universe (Satoshi Iso)
  • Physics of Higgs Boson Family (Ngee-Pong Chang)
  • On the Breaking of μ-τ Flavor Symmetry (Zhen-Hua Zhao)
  • Neutrino Mass Ordering in Future Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiments (Jue Zhang)
  • Predicting the CP-Phase for Neutrinos (Eiichi Takasugi)
  • Sum Rules for Leptons (Martin Spinrath)
  • Composite Weak Bosons at the Large Hadron Collider (Harald Fritzsch)
  • Searching for Composite Higgs Models at the LHC (Thomas Flacke)
  • Gauge-Higgs EW and Grand Unification (Yutaka Hosotani)
  • Colour Octet Extension of 2HDM (German Valencia)
  • New Physics/Resonances in Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC (Jürgen Reuter, Wolfgang Kilian, Thorsten Ohl and Marco Sekulla)
  • Dimensional Regularization is Generic (Kazuo Fujikawa)
  • A De-gauging Approach to Physics Beyond the Standard Model (Chi Xiong)
  • Extension of Standard Model in Multi-spinor Field Formalism — Visible and Dark Sectors (Ikuo S Sogami)
  • Aspects of String Phenomenology and New Physics (I Antoniadis)
  • Cosmological Constant vis-à-vis Dynamical Vacuum: Bold Challenging the ΛCDM (Joan Solà)

Readership: Graduates and researchers in high energy physics.