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Advances in the Computational Sciences cover

On August 20, 2015, a symposium at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was held in honor of Berni J. Alder's 90th birthday. Many of Berni's scientific colleagues and collaborators, former students, and post-doctoral fellows came to celebrate and honor Berni and the ground-breaking scientific impact of his many discoveries. This proceedings volume includes contributions from Berni's collaborators and covers a range of topics, including the melting transition in the 2D hard disk system, non-equilibrium fluid relaxation, the role of fluctuations in hydrodynamics, glass transitions, molecular dynamics of dense fluids, shock-wave and finite-strain equation of state relationships, and applications of quantum mechanics in pattern recognition.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Welcome and Reflections on Berni Alder (113 KB)

  • Welcome and Reflections on Berni Alder (C Bruce Tarter)
  • An Appreciation: Berni Julian Alder (William Graham Hoover)
  • Why Non-Equilibrium is Different (J Robert Dorfman, Theodore R Kirkpatrick, and Jan V Sengers)
  • The Onset of Turbulence in Wall-Bounded Flows with Surface Roughness and Fluctuations (Pratanu Roy, Todd H Weisgraber, and Berni J Alder)
  • Reversible Diffusion by Thermal Fluctuations (Aleksandar Donev, Thomas G Fai and Eric Vanden-Eijnden)
  • Hard Sphere Simulation by Event-Driven Molecular Dynamics: Breakthrough, Numerical Difficulty, and Overcoming the Issues (Masaharu Isobe)
  • Reflections on the Glass Transition (Jean-Marc Bomont, Jean-Pierre Hansen, and Giorgio Pastore)
  • Berni Alder and Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions (J Michael Kosterlitz)
  • Molecular Dynamics of Dense Fluids: Simulation-Theory Symbiosis (Sidney Yip)
  • Shock-Wave and Finite-Strain Equations of State at Large Expansion (Raymond Jeanloz)
  • Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics (George Chapline)
  • The Early Years of Molecular Dynamics and Computers at UCRL, LRL, LLL, and LLNL (Mary Ann Mansigh Karlsen)
  • Overcoming the Fermion Sign Problem in Homogeneous Systems (Jonathan L DuBois, Ethan W Brown, and Berni J Alder)

Readership: Academics, postgraduates and researchers in physics, chemistry and condensed matter physics, particularly the fields of scientific computing and numerical simulations.