- The Great Complexity of the Superconducting Copper Oxides: Some Recent Observations (B Raveau, O Michel, M Hervieu, J Provost and D Groult)
- Some Interesting Substitutional Effects in La-, Y-, Bi- and T1-based High Tc Cuprates (A V Narlikar)
- Fluctuation Effects in High Temperature Superconductors (R Srinivasan)
- Critical Current Densities in the High Temperature Superconductors (P Ohaudhari)
- Tunneling spectroscopy of hole and electron doped superconductors (J Akimitsu and T Ekino)
- Generalised BCS Pairing Theory for Anisotropic Layered Superconductors and their Electromagnetic Response (S S Jha)
- Marginal Fermi-liquid Theory of the Normal and Superconductive State of Cu-O Compounds (O M Varma)
- Magnetization Behavior Of Conventional And High Temperature Superconductors (P Ohaddah)
- and other papers
Readership: Condensed matter physicists.