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Exotic Nuclei cover

The symposium was held at Kazan, Russia from 4 – 10 September 2016. EXON-2016 was dedicated to the problems of producing and investigating nuclei far from the line of stability.

The main goal of the symposium was to discuss the latest results on the production and study of the properties of the lightest to the heaviest nuclei, as well as the plans for future joint investigations in the field of exotic nuclei. The talks were presented by leading scientists in the field. Among the topics of the symposium were the following: production and study of properties of nuclei in extreme states, strongly deformed nuclei, highly excited and nuclei far from the line of stability as well as nuclei having large angular momenta. New results of the investigations are presented in this book. In particular, the latest results on the synthesis of new superheavy elements are also presented. There were also talks devoted to existing detecting devices and accelerators of exotic nuclei as well as to the future projects for the creation of similar set-ups.

Sample Chapter(s)
Delayed Multi-Neutron Emission in Very Neutron-Rich Nuclei (259 KB)

  • Methods and Production of Light Exotic Nuclei and Study of Their Properties:
    • Delayed Multi-Neutron Emission in Very Neutron-Rich Nuclei (I N Borzov)
    • High-Excited States of Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei (B A Chernyshev, Yu B Gurov, L Yu Korotkova, S V Lapushkin, R V Pritula, V G Sandukovsky, M V Tel'kushev)
    • Do the Dilute States Exist in 16O? (A N Danilov, A S Demyanova, A A Ogloblin, S A Goncharov, T L Belyaeva)
    • Neutrons Transfer in the Reaction 22Ne + 197Au at Energy Region Near Coulomb Barrier (N A Demekhina, A R Balabekyan, B M Hue, Yu E Penionzhkevich, N K Skobelev)
    • The First Identification of the Proton Halo in the Excited State of 13N (A S Demyanova, A A Ogloblin, A N Danilov, T L Belyaeva, S A Goncharov, W Trzaska)
    • Spectra of Fragments in Heavy-Ion Collisions in Hydrodynamic Approach with a Non-Equilibrium Equation of State (A T D'yachenko, I A Mitropolsky, Yu G Sobolev)
    • Total Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Measurement (B Erdemchimeg, A G Artukh, S Davaa, S A Klygin, G A Kononenko, G Khuukhenkhuu, S M Lukyanov, K Mendibaev, T I Mikhailova, Yu M Sereda, Yu E Penionzhkevich, A N Vorontzov)
    • Study of the Interaction of Deutrons with 3 ≤ Z ≤ 50 Nuclei at the Energies up to 200 MeV (A M Kabyshev, K A Kuterbekov, A K Azhibekov, M M Kubenova, A M Mukhambetzhan, Yu E Penionzhkevich, Yu G Sobolev, S M Lukyanov, V M Maslov)
    • Investigation of Elastic Scattering of 3He on 28Si Nucleus in Energy Range 8 – 217 MeV (K A Kuterbekov, A M Kabyshev, A K Azhibekov, M M Kubenova, R Nurgaliyeva, Y M Orda, Yu E Penionzhkevich, Yu G Sobolev, S M Lukyanov, V M Maslov)
    • From Quark and Nucleon Correlations to Discrete Symmetry and Clustering in Nuclei (G Musulmanbekov)
    • Neutron Rearrangement in Reactions with Light Weakly-Bound Nuclei (M A Naumenko, Yu E Penionzhkevich, V V Samarin, N K Skobelev)
    • Inelastic 9Be + α Scattering at 90 MeV: Whether a Catastrophe in 9Be Spectroscopy Happened? (A A Ogloblin, A S Demyanova, A N Danilov, S V Dmitriev, V I Starastsin, S A Goncharov, T L Belyaeva, W Trzaska)
    • Energy Dependence of Total Cross Sections for Reactions with 6He, 6,9Li Nuclei (Yu E Penionzhkevich, Yu G Sobolev, V V Samarin, M A Naumenko)
    • Fusion and Breakup Fusion of 6Li with 194Pt at Energies Around Coulomb Barrier (C Petrone, S Calinescu, C Borcea, A Buta, R Borcea, R Margineanu, A Negret, A Olacel, F Rotaru, M Stanoiu, G Suliman, Yu E Penionzhkevich, Yu G Sobolev, S M Lukyanov, N K Skobelev, M P Ivanov, Ph Dessagne, M Kerveno)
    • Study of Ground States of Few-Body and Cluster Nuclei by Feynman's Continual Integrals Method (V V Samarin, M A Naumenko)
    • Multi-Neutron Emission of Neutron-Rich Ca Isotopes (A P Severyukhin, N N Arsenyev, E O Sushenok, I N Borzov, Yu E Penionzhkevich, D Verney)
    • Search for 2p Decay of the First Excited State of 17Ne (P G Sharov)
    • The Population of Excited Nuclear States in Fusion and Transfer Reactions with Beams of Weakly Bound Nuclei (N K Skobelev, Yu E Penionzhkevich, V Burjan, V Kroha, J. Mrázek, Š Piskoř)
    • Two-Phonon Mixed-Symmetry States in the Domain N = 52 (Ch Stoyanov)
  • Superheavy Elements. Synthesis and Properties:
    • Dynamical Approach for Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei at the Center of Island Stability (Y Aritomo)
    • Superheavy Elements: A New Paradigm (C Borcea, Yu E Penionzhkevich, S M Lukyanov, D T Aznabayev, B M Hue, V A Maslov, K Mendibaev, F Rotaru, N K Skobelev, V I Smirnov, Yu G Sobolev)
    • Pre-Scission Model Predictions of Fission Fragment Mass Distributions for Superheavy Elements (N Carjan, F A Ivanyuk, Yu Ts Oganessian)
    • The Study of Fusion-Fission and Quasifission Processes in the Reactions 48Ca + 208Pb, 232Th, 238U, 244Pu, 248Cm (E V Chernysheva, E M Kozulin, I M Itkis, G N Knyazheva, L Krupa, F Hanappe, W H Trzaska)
    • Remarks on the Fission Barriers of SHN and Search for Element 120 (S Hofmann, S Heinz, R Mann, J Maurer, G Münzenberg, S Antalic, W Barth, H G Burkhard, L Dahl, K Eberhardt, R Grzywacz, J H Hamilton, R A Henderson, J M Kenneally, B Kindler, I Kojouharov, R Lang, B Lommel, K Miernik, D Miller, K J Moody, K Morita, K Nishio, A G Popeko, J B Roberto, J Runke, K P Rykaczewski, S Saro, C Scheidenberger, H J Schött, D A Shaughnessy, M A Stoyer, P Thörle-Pospiech, K Tinschert, N Trautmann, J Uusitalo, A V Yeremin)
    • Fusion Probabilities in the Reactions with Actinide Nuclei Leading to the Formation of SHE (I M Itkis, M G Itkis, G N Knyazheva, E M Kozulin)
    • Inverse Quasifission in the Reactions 156,160Gd + 186W at the Coulomb Barrier Energy (I M Itkis, E M Kozulin, G N Knyazheva, K V Novikov, M G Itkis, S N Dmitriev, A V Karpov, V I Zagrebaev, A E Bondarchenko, E Vardaci)
    • Some Results on the Structure of Superheavy Nuclei (R V Jolos, G G Adamian, N V Antonenko, A N Bezbakh, V G Kartavenko, L A Malov, V O Nesterenko, N Yu Shirikova, A V Sushkov)
    • Recent Achievements in Theoretical Predictions of Gas-Phase Experimental Behavior of Elements 112, 113 and 114 (V Pershina)
    • The Prompt Neutron Characteristics in the Spontaneous Fission of Superheavy Nuclei (V A Rubchenya)
    • Experiments on Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei 284Fl and 285Fl in the 239,240Pu + 48Ca Reactions (M V Shumeiko, V K Utyonkov, N T Brewer, Yu Ts Oganessian, K P Rykaczewski, F Sh Abdullin, S N Dmitriev, R K Grzywacz, M G Itkis, K Miernik, A N Polyakov, J B Roberto, R N Sagaidak, I V Shirokovsky, Yu S Tsyganov, A A Voinov, V G Subbotin, A M Sukhov, A V Sabel,nikov, G K Vostokin, J H Hamilton, M A Stoyer, S Y Strauss)
    • Discovery of Elements 113 – 118 (V K Utyonkov, Yu Ts Oganessian, S N Dmitriev, M G Itkis, K J Moody, M A Stoyer, D A Shaughnessy, J B Roberto, K P Rykaczewski, J H Hamilton)
    • Results from the Recent Study of the 249-251Cf + 48Ca Reactions (A A Voinov, Yu Ts Oganessian, F Sh Abdullin, N T Brewer, S N Dmitriev, R K Grzywacz, J H Hamilton, M G Itkis, K Miernik, A N Polyakov, J B Roberto, K P Rykaczewski, A V Sabelnikov, R N Sagaidak, I V Shirokovsky, M V Shumeiko, M A Stoyer, V G Subbotin, A M Sukhov, Yu S Tsyganov, V K Utyonkov, G K Vostokin)
  • Nuclear Reactions, Fission and Decay. Rare Processes:
    • Two-Proton Radioactivity of 67Kr (T Goigoux, P Ascher, B Blank, M Gerbaux, J Giovinazzo, S Grévy, T Kurtukian Nieto, C Magron, J Agramunt, A Algora, V Guadilla, A Montaner-Piza, A I Morales, S E A Orrigo, B Rubio, D S Ahn, P. Doornenbal, N Fukuda, N Inabe, G G Kiss, T Kubo, S Kubono, S Nishimura, H Sakurai, Y Shimizu, C Sidong, P-A Söderström, T Sumikama, H Suzuki, H Takeda, P Vi, J Wu, Y Fujita, M Tanaka, W Gelletly, P Aguilera, F Molina, F Diel, D Lubos, G de Angelis, D Napoli, C Borcea, A Boso, R B Cakirli, E Ganioglu, J Chiba, D Nishimura, H Oikawa, Y Takei, S Yagi, K Wimmer, G de France, S Go, B A Brown)
    • The Reaction 32S + 197Au Near the Interaction Barrier (I M Harca, E Kozulin, E Vardaci, M Ashaduzzaman, C Borcea, A Bracco, S Brambilla, S Calinescu, F Camera, M Ciemala, B DeCanditiis, O Dorvaux, I Itkis, V V Kirakosyan, G Knyazheva, N Kozulina, I V Kolesov, G La Rana, A Maj, I Matea, K Novikov, C Petrone, A Pulcini, D Quero, P Rath, E Saveleva, C Schmitt, G Sposito, O Stezowski, W H Trzaska, J Wilson)
    • Evidences of True Ternary and Quaternary Fission of Low Excited Actinides (D V Kamanin, A A Alexandrov, I A Alexandrova, E A Kuznetsova, A O Strekalovsky, O V Strekalovsky, V E Zhuchko, Yu V Pyatkov, N Mkaza, V Malaza)
    • Production of Neutron-Rich Nuclei in 136Xe + 208Pb Multinucleon Transfer Reaction (A V Karpov, V V Saiko)
    • Production of Radon Isotopes in the Reactions 48Ca + 242Pu and 48Ca + 208Pb on Mass Separator Masha (A M Rodin, A V Belozerov, E V Chernysheva, S N Dmitriev, A V Gulyaev, A V Gulyaeva, A B Komarov, A S Novoselov, A V Podshibyakin, S Salamatin, S V Stepantsov, V Yu Vedeneev, S A Yukhimchuk, L Krupa, C Granja, S Pospisil, M Holik, J Kliman, S Motycak, D Kamas)
    • Lifetime Measurements Beyond 132Sn (R Lozeva)
    • Beta-Delayed Fission of Neutron-Rich Uranium and Plutonium Isotopes (Yu S Lutostansky, V I Lyashuk, I V Panov)
    • Determination of the Galaxy Age on the Basis of Uranium-Thorium Isotopic Relations and Galaxy Nucleosynthesis Model (I V Panov, Yu S Lutostansky, M Eichler, F-K Thielemann)
    • Structures in the Nuclear Electric-Dipole Spectrum (P Papakonstantinou)
    • New Results in Study of Shape Isomer States in Fission Fragments (Yu V Pyatkov, D V Kamanin, A A Alexandrov, I A Alexandrova, Z I Goryainova, E A Kuznetsova, A O Strekalovsky, O V Strekalovsky, V E Zhuchko, N Mkaza, V Malaza)
    • Spontaneous Fission of 256Rf and 250No — New Experimental Data (A I Svirikhin, A V Andreev, A V Yeremin, I N Izosimov, A V Isaev, A N Kuznetsov, A A Kuznetsova, O N Malyshev, A G Popeko, Y A Popov, E A Sokol, M L Chelnokov, V I Chepigin, T M Schneidman, B Gall, O Dorvaux, P Brione, K Hauschild, A Lopez-Martens, K Rezynkina, S Mullins, P Jones, P Mosat)
    • Pygmy Gamow-Teller Resonance in the N = 50 Region: New Evidence from Staggering of β-Delayed Neutron-Emission Probabilities Observed with TETRA (D Verney, B Roussière, F Ibrahim, S Franchoo, R Li, I Matea, I Stefan, D Suzuki, D Testov, V Smirnov, Yu E Penionzhkevich, E Kuznetsova, E Sokol, F Didierjean, H Pai)
    • Multi-Phonon γ Vibrational Bands in 103-108Mo and 103,105Nb, Chiral Vibrations in 104,106Mo and Octupole Correlations in 146,147La (E H Wang, J H Hamilton, C J Zachary, H Fryman-Sinkhorn, J Marcellino, W Lewis, B Musangu, A V Ramayya, J M Eldridge, G H Bhat, J A Sheikh, R N Ali, A A Wani, A C Dai, W Y Liang, F R Xu, J K Hwang, Y X Luo, J O Rasmussen, S J Zhu, G M Ter-Akopian, Yu Ts Oganessian)
  • Scientific Projects and Experimental Facilities:
    • Mass and Energy Resolutions in 2V-Method (E V Chernysheva, E M Kozulin, I M Itkis, G N Knyazheva)
    • Correlation Method for Studies of Continuum States in Direct Reactions (V Chudoba, A A Bezbakh, A S Fomichev, I E Egorova, S N Ershov, M S Golovkov, A V Gorshkov, L V Grigorenko, G Kamiński, A G Knyazev, S A Krupko, I G Mukha, E Yu Nikolskii, Yu L Parfenova, P Pluciński, P G Sharov, S I Sidorchuk, R S Slepnev, S V Stepantsov, G M Ter-Akopian, R Wolski, M G Zhukov)
    • The ALTO Facility and its Recent Highlights with ISOL Beams (F Ibrahim, D Verney, M Cheikh Mhamed, C Delafosse, S Essabaa, S Franchoo, A Gottardo, C Lau, R Li, B Roussière, A Said, S Tusseau-Nenez, D Testov, Yu Penionzhkevich, V Smirnov & E Sokol)
    • Computation of the Binding Energies in the Inverse Problem Framework (S Cht Mavrodiev, M A Deliyergiyev)
    • Application of the TIMEPIX Combo Detectors for the Radioactive Nuclei Decay Identification (A S Novoselov, A V Podshibyakin, A M Rodin, A V Belozerov, E V Chernysheva, S N Dmitriev, A V Gulyaev, A V Gulyaeva, V S Salamatin, S V Stepantsov, V Yu Vedeneev, L Krupa, M Holik, C Granja, S Pospisil, J Kliman, S Motycak, D Kamas)
    • Development of a Technique for Measuring Neutrons Spectra During Irradiation of Thick Uranium Targets by Protons (660 MeV) (E O Saveljeva, E M Kozulin, K V Novikov, I V Vorobyev, A N Baranov, I N Dyatlov, K K Limarev, S I Tyutyunnikov, A I Berlev, S A Gustov, I P Yudin, V Y Shchegolev, A A Solnyshkin, F Hanappe)
    • NUSTAR Experiments on the Way from GSI to FAIR (C Scheidenberger)
    • Response Function Investigation of 4π γ-Spectrometer "Multi" by GEANT4 Monte-Carlo Code (I Sivacek, Yu G Sobolev, A V Ashmanov, N A Lashmanov)
    • Neutron Detectors Array for the Experiments at ACCULINNA-2 Fragment Separator (R S Slepnev, A A Bezbakh, V Chudoba, A S Fomichev, M S Golovkov, A V Gorshkov, L V Grigorenko, G Kaminski, S A Krupko, P Plucinski, P G Sharov, S I Sidorchuk, G M Ter-Akopian, R Wolski, B Zalewski)
    • Study of Fusion-Fission in Inverse Kinematics with a Fragment Separator (O B Tarasov, O Delaune, F Farget, D J Morrissey, A M Amthor, B Bastin, D Bazin, B Blank, L Cacéres, A Chbihi, B Fernández-Dominguez, S Grévy, O Kamalou, S M Lukyanov, W Mittig, J Pereira, L Perrot, M-G Saint-Laurent, H Savajols, B M Sherrill, C Stodel, J C Thomas, A C Villari)
    • Problems to be Clarified by Means of Radioactive Ion Beams Provided by the ACCULINNA-2 Separator (G M Ter-Akopian, A A Bezbakh, V Chudoba, A S Fomichev, M S Golovkov, A V Gorshkov, L V Grigorenko, G Kaminski, S A Krupko, M Mentel, E Yu Nikolskii, Yu L Parfenova, P Pluczinski, S A Rymzhanova, S I Sidorchuk, R S Slepnev, S V Stepantsov, R. Wolski, B Zalewski)
    • Gas Phase Chemistry of Superheavy Elements Coupled to an Electromagnetic Separator (A Yakushev, Ch E. Düllmann, M Asai, M Block, H David, J Despotopulos, A Di Nitto, K Eberhardt, U Forsberg, P Golubev, M Götz, S Götz, H Haba, L Harkness-Brennan, F P. Heβberger, R-D Herzberg, D J Hinde, J Hoffmann, A Hübner, E Jäger, D Judson, J Khuyagbaatar, B Kindler, Y Komori, J Konki, J V Kratz, J Krier, N Kurz, M Laatiaoui, S Lahiri, L Lens, B Lommel, Ch Lorentz, M Maiti, A K Mistry, C Mokry, K Moody, Y Nagame, J P Omtvedt, P Papadakis, V Pershina, D Rudolph, J Runke, M Schädel, P Scharrer, L G Sarmiento, T Sato, D Shaughnessy, B Schausten, J Steiner, P Thörle-Pospiech, N Trautmann, K Tsukada, J Uusitalo, A Ward, M Wegrzecki, E Williams, N Wiehl, V Yakusheva)
    • Spectroscopy of Transfermium Elements at Dubna: Results and Plans (A Yeremin, A Popeko, O Malyshev, V Chepigin, A Svirikhin, A Isaev, Yu Popov, M Chelnokov, A Karpov, A Kuznetsova, I Izosimov, E Sokol, V Saiko, D Katrasev, A Lopez-Martens, K Hauschild, K Rezynkina, O Dorvaux, B Gall, Z Asfari, P Brionett, J Piot, S Hofmann, P Mosat, D Tonev, E Stefanova)

Readership: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students, and physicists working in the field of nuclear physics.