This review volume presents both basic and applied aspects of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS). The term DMS applies generally to semiconductors in which a fraction of its constituent ions are replaced by magnetic ions. This book is only the second to review DMS materials. It presents a detailed treatment of the current state of knowledge of the established properties of DMS in the form of single crystals, quantum wells and superlattices. It also brings together recent work on new DMS materials and presents discussions on a wide range of possible DMS applications.
- Magnetic Properties of Co Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (A I Schindler et al.)
- Diluted Magnetic IV-VI Compounds (G Bauer & H Pascher)
- Photoemission Spectroscopy and the Electronic Structure of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (A Fujimori)
- The Luminescence of Wide Band Gap II-Mn-VI Semimagnetic Semiconductors (C Benecke & H-E Gumlich)
- Light Scattering in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors (E Anastassakis)
- Optical Properties of (Zn, Mn) and (Cd, Mn) Chalcogenide Quantum Wells and Superlattices (W Heimbrodt & O Goede)
- Electroluminescent Devices Using ZnS:Mn for the Phospher Layer (A Abe)
- and other papers
Readership: Chemists, physicists, materials scientists and electronic engineers.