This book deals with teachers' behaviors that promote the creativity of students. It includes a rating scale for measuring a teacher's creativity fostering behavior — a scale known as the CFTIndex — and a series of conceptualization and research papers, including a lead article by Professor Authur Cropley, whose original ideas served as the basis of the CFTIndex. The other papers in this volume are by international authors who have used the scale in their research and who can now share their experiences using it in this volume.
There is a dearth of measuring instruments that cover teacher behaviors where creativity is concerned, but the CFTIndex fills this vacuum, as evidenced by the many articles using this index in the international arena of creativity research.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Creativity-Facilitating Teacher Index: Early Thinking, and Some Recent Reflections (261 KB)
- Prologue
- About the Editor
- The Creativity-Facilitating Teacher Index: Early Thinking, and Some Recent Reflections (CROPLEY, Arthur)
- Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior Index (CFTIndex): Its Design, Validation, Replications, and Further Research (SOH, Kay Cheng)
- Teachers' Thinking Styles and Creativity Fostering Behaviors (SOH, Kay Cheng)
- Fostering Student Creativity: Which Teacher Behaviors are Helpful? (SOH, Kay Cheng and QUEK, Khiok Seng)
- Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior Scale Around the World: An Annotated Bibliography (SOH, Kay Cheng)
- Creativity Fostering Teacher Index and the Outcome of a Drama-enriched Curriculum in Creativity in Education (Anna N N Hui, Raysen W L Cheung and Man Yee Ho)
- Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior in Turkey: Adapting and Using the CFTIndex (DIKICI, Ayhan)
- The Promotion of Student Creativity: Physical Educators' Perceived and Actual Creativity Fostering Behaviors (KONSTANTINIDOU, Elisaver)
- Development of an Instrument for Assessing the Creativity Stimulation of Mathematics Teachers (Mariani Azhari and Ismail Zaleha)
- Creativity Fostering in Chemistry Teachers: An Example from Turkey (OSKAY, Özge Özyalcin)
- Ecological Approach to Fostering Student Creativity (Kay Cheng Soh)
- Epilogue
Readership: Graduate and research students of education and pedagogy, education policy makers, trainee teachers.
Dr Soh Kay Cheng (1934–) is currently Research Consultant at the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, Nanyang Technological University. He holds the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Education) of the National University of Singapore and Master of Education (Educational Psychology) of the University of Manchester. He has recently been conferred the honour of Senior Fellowship by the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language in recognition of his research contributions to Chinese Language pedagogy.
Positions held include Senior Fellow and Head of Centre for Applied Research in Education, National Institute of Education, and Head of Testing and Guidance, Institute of Education. He also served consecutively as Deputy Director (Languages), Assistant Director (Curriculum), Ministry of Education, and Principal, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. Besides being a teacher, educator and education researcher, Dr Soh consulted with several Singapore ministries on social survey projects.
Dr Soh has published very widely on topics such as world university rankings, international achievement rankings, creativity, and language learning in learned journals such as Compare (UK), Crossroads (USA), Journal of Educational Research (Hong Kong), Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (UK), Language and Education (UK), Psychologia (Japan), Science Education (USA), Studies in Educational Evaluation (UK), The Journal of Creative Behavior (USA), The Journal of Social Psychology (USA), Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (UK), and European Journal of Higher Education (UK).
His books include Tests and Exams in Singapore Schools: What School Leaders, Teachers and Parents Need to Know (2017), PISA Ranking: Issues and Effects in Singapore, East Asia and the World (2017), World University Rankings: Statistical Issues and Possible Remedies (2017), Teaching Chinese Language in Singapore: Retrospect and Challenges (2016), Social and Educational Rankings: Problems and Prospects (2013), Analyzing Data & Interpreting Outcomes: Statistical Toolbox for Teacher–Researchers (2009), Workshop on Action Research: Transforming Teachers to Action Researchers (2008), Chinese Language without Tears: Tips for English-Speaking Parents (1999) and On Assessment: Ten Talks for Educational Practitioners (1978).