The topics of this Conference focus on 1) the optical, electronic, thermal, elastic, magnetic, and transport properties, 2) thin films and single crystals, 3) structural properties and new materials, 4) theoretical aspects of high temperature superconductivity.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (32 KB)
State of the Art and Trends of High-Tc Superconductivity: Some Aspects (246 KB)
- State of the Art and Trends of High-Tc Superconductivity: Some Aspects (A Barone)
- A Mean Field Theory of CuO₂ Layers in Superconducting Compounds (C Castellani, C di Castro & M Grilli)
- Crystal Growth of YBa₂Cu₃O₇-ₓ Superconductors (F Licci & T Besagni)
- Tunneling Spectroscopy on YBa₂Cu₃O₇-ₓ: Three Year's Experience (A M Cucolo)
- Core Level Spectroscopy in YBa₂Cu₃O₇-δ: Electronic Structure Versus Oxygen Stoichiometry (A Balzarott et al)
- Spin-Dynamics, Localized Moments and Carrriers from NQR Relaxation in La₂-ₓSrₓCuO₄ (F Borsa, M Corti & A Rigamonti)
- Thermodynamic Stability of the Phases Existing in the Y₂O₃-BaO-CuO Ternary System (G L Olcese)
- Cation Substitution Studies in YBa₂Cu₃O₇-d Structure (F C Matacotta et al)
- Magnetic Spectroscopy of Powders of High Tc Superconductors Using a Magnetic Levitometer (M Marinelli et al)
- Transport Properties of High Critical Temperature Superconductors (G Paterno et al)
- Critical State for Intergranular Region in Sintered YBa₂Cu₂O₇-ₓ: Magnetization and Creep (V Calzona et al)
- and others
Readership: Solid state physicists, materials scientists, chemists and engineers.