This book aims at illustrating the OBOR Initiative (also known as "Belt and Road Initiative" or BRI), its many facets, including its background, and how the Chinese government intends to develop this ambitious project. It describes in detail the role and involvement of Institutions (lenders, in particular) in the OBOR Initiative. It offers guidance on how interested parties can participate in the different projects connected to the Initiative. The views of the authors, on the main aspects of this Initiative, serve as suggestions to parties interested in taking part in this Initiative.
The book provides an exceptional amount of information about how projects connected to the BRI Initiative are financed and developed. The involvement of UBS clearly shows that financial institutions are interested in financing the Initiative.
There is a special focus on the relationship between China and the EU, because the scope of this Initiative is not only to boost trade relationships between the two regions but also create new opportunities for all the countries along the new Silk Road.
Sample Chapter(s)
- "Belt & Road Initiative" as a Continuation of China's Reform and Opening Up and as a Consequence of the Beijing Consensus (Xugang Yu)
- China and the "Belt and Road" Initiative: What Is It All About? (Xugang Yu and Cristiano Rizzi)
- The First Pillar of the B&R Initiative Funding: The Institutional Funding (Cristiano Rizzi and Mario Tettamanti)
- The Second Pillar of the OBOR Funding: The Private Sector (Mario Tettamanti)
The Second Pillar of the B&R Initiative Funding: The Private Sector (Mario Tettamanti)
- Global Implications of the "B&R" Initiative and Its Impact on the EU Economy (Cristiano Rizzi and Mario Tettamanti)
- EU Infrastructure Priorities Connected to the B&R Initiative, and the Necessity for Coordinated Efforts with China in Developing the B&R Initiative (Cristiano Rizzi)
- Relations between China and Italy: The Development of Diplomatic Ties and the Impact of the B&R Initiative and a Brief Overview on the EU and Italian Rules Regulating Public Works (Cristiano Rizzi)
- The Impact of the B&R Initiative on the Development of International Law, Particularly of the Law of Carriage of Goods and of "International Business" (Fabio E Ziccardi)
Readership: Policymakers, academics, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students interested in China's One Belt One Road Initiative, financial, China's outbound investment and China-EU relations.
Xugang Yu is a Senior Partner and Management Commission Member of Dentons Law Offices. He heads the Capital Market Division and is also in charge of human resource management. With domestic and international experience, Mr Yu specializes in foreign investments, securities transactions, merger and acquisition, venture capital and general corporate practice. He received his PhD in International Law and LLM in International Economic Law from the Peking University Law School in 2001 and 1998 respectively. He is a Member of the Financial and Securities Commission, Bar Association of China; Member of Inter-Pacific Bar Association; Part-time Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology Law School; Visiting Professor of Beijing Technology & Business University Law School; and Visiting Professor at North China Electric Power University Law School. Mr Yu coordinated the development of this work, he is the sole author of Chapter 1 and co-author of Chapter 2.
Cristiano Rizzi is a foreign professional who has been working "on the ground" in mainland China for the past ten years. He has been working with Mr Xugang Yu, Senior Partner at Dentons, assisting Chinese companies, in finding investment opportunities in the EU region. Mr Rizzi is incorporated at the "Illustre Colegio de Abogados de Salamanca", Spain and registered as "Avvocato Stabilito" at the "Consiglio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano", Italy. Mr Rizzi obtained his LLM in Chinese Law from Peking University, China, LLM in Spanish Law from University of Valladolid, Spain and LLM in International Business Law from University of Exeter, UK. The author contributed the parts related to the impact on the European economy from the OBOR investment. In particular, Mr Rizzi co-authored Chapter 2 with Mr Xugang Yu, and also contributed the content of Chapters 3 and 6 on the financial institutions financing the OBOR Initiative. Mr Rizzi is also the sole author of Chapters 5 and 7.
Mario Tettamanti is partner and CEO of "Link to China". Mr Tettamanti holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in mainland China for eight consecutive years. Mr Mario Tettamanti is an Editorialist and Chef Redactor of the Economic Section at "Corriere del Ticino", Switzerland, and Professor at the Centro di Studi Bancari, Lugano. Mr Tettamanti has vast experience in the financial field. He worked as Deputy Head of the Financial Department and Head of the Investment Advisors Committee, UBS Group. Mr Tettamanti advises important private financial groups in China and assists several Chinese companies in finding investment opportunities in the EU region. Mr Tettamanti is the sole author of Chapter 4, and co-author of Chapters 3 and 6.
Fabio E Ziccardi is a retired Professor, School of Political Sciences, Milan University. Prof. Ziccardi is the author of five books and about fifty papers and articles on civil, comparative, international private and arbitration laws. He is also an arbitrator in national and international proceedings. Prof. Ziccardi contributed to this work with his final notes on the impact of the OBOR Initiative on the development of international law, particularly the law of goods delivery and international business law in Chapter 8.
Li Guo is a Professor of Law School, Peking University. He obtained his LLB and LLD from Peking University, LLM from Southern Methodist University and LLM from Harvard University. He is also a visiting Professor at Cornell University, visiting scholar at Vanderbilt University and a Humboldt Foundation Researcher at University of Freiburg. Prof. Guo supervised the development of this work and helped in structuring the content. He wrote the foreword highlighting the reasoning behind the topics of this work.