Recent developments of discrete methods of fluid dynamics, particularly the two most relevant aspects: the “half” discrete case — discrete Boltzmann equation; and the “totally” discrete one — lattice gas were discussed. Both the conceptual and numerical significance of these discrete models were covered as well as the mathematical problems which arise from them. This Colloquium is the third of a series initiated in Santa Fe (USA 1986) the second having taken place in Torino (Italy 1988).
- A Class of Lattice Gas Automata for Ginzburg-Landau Type Equations (J P Boon & D Dab)
- Temperature and Heat Conductivity in Cellular Automata Fluids (M H Ernst)
- On the Decomposition of Domains in Non-Linear Discrete Kinetic Theory (L Preziosi & E Longo)
- Macroscopic Variables in Discrete Kinetic Theory (Ph Chauvat & R Gatignol)
- The Trend to Equilibrium in Discrete and Continuous Kinetic Theory: A Comparison (C Cercignani)
- Lattice Gas Simulations of One and Two-Phase Fluid Flows Using the Connection Machine-2 (S Chen et al.)
- The Discrete Boltzmann Equation for Gases with Bi-Molecular Chemical Reactions (E Gabetta & R Monaco)
- Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the Discrete Boltzmann Equation (S Kawashima)
- Some Rigorous Results on Phase Segregation for Stochastic Cellular Automata (E Orlandi & E Presutti)
- On a Boundary Value Problem for the Carleman Model of the Boltzmann Equation (T Platkowski)
- Full Time Dependence of the VACF in CA-Fluids: Theory and Simulations (T Naitoh & M H Ernst)
- Simulation of River-Discharge Fronts with Lattice Gas Automata (Ch F Kougias et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: Applied mathematicians.