Russo-Ukrainian War: Implications for the Asia Pacific explores the implications of the Russo-Ukrainian war for American and Chinese engagement in the Asia Pacific. It interprets Russia's invasion of Ukraine which began on February 24, 2022 as part of a complex double game where the Kremlin and Washington simultaneously spar, bluffing for high stakes despite catastrophic risks in the name of lofty ideals, while pursuing expedient default agendas. Both sides champion virtuous global orders compatible with their tastes and objectives. Washington seeks to compel Moscow to abide by its rules and vice-versa.
The immediate impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on the Asia Pacific has been to confirm Chinese President Xi Jinping's perception that Washington is committed to low-cost, regime-changing Cold War with China to preserve its status as the world's preeminent superpower. Washington is willing to increase hard power defense spending modestly to tackle the Taiwan and South China Sea issues, but will not compete with China in an arms race, curtail productivity stifling government over-regulation and social spending or curb China's abusive state trading.
Emboldened by what Washington considers America's successes in the Russo-Ukrainian proxy war, American President Joe Biden plans to reinforce military spending with attitude management campaigns, moral suasion and coalitions of the willing including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — efforts to spark Chinese color revolution and regime change. Biden diplomatically calls his policy Cold Peace, but his actions bespeak Cold War.
Amid the power contestation among the United States, Russia and China, it is naïve in the contemporary world to suppose that the three major powers can permanently subjugate each other. Wise leadership requires satisficing for the attainable good rather than striving for the delusional best.
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Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Cold War World Order
- Preface
- About the Author
- Executive Summary
- List of Figures, Tables, and Maps
- Introduction
- Russo-American Partnership:
- Cold War World Order
- New Thinking
- Partnership
- Economic Miracle
- Estrangement:
- Rearmament
- NATO Expansion
- Revolution of Dignity
- Crimean Annexation
- Confrontation:
- Minsk II Protocol
- Economic Sanctions
- Cold Peace
- War Path:
- Polarization
- Hotspots
- Flash Point
- Revealed Preference
- Russo-Ukrainian War:
- Proxy War
- Cold War
- Just War
- Pristine War
- Color Revolution
- Crusade
- Nuclear War
- Next Time Will Be Different
- Battle for the Asia Pacific:
- Market Communism
- Technology Transfer
- Military Modernization
- Taiwan
- Trade
- Sino-American Quandary
- Prospects
- Conclusion
- Appendices:
- Bergson's Systems Function
- Russian Economic Performance and Prospects
- Index
Readership: Students and researchers focusing on international relations, international security and peace studies as well as those interested in the history, politics and economy of Russia, China and the United States.
Steven Rosefielde is Professor of Economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He received his PhD from Harvard University, and is a Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN).
His books include: Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: The West's Paralysis, Crisis and Decline, Cambridge University Press, 2013; Inclusive Economic Theory (with Ralph W Pfouts), World Scientific, 2014; Global Economic Turmoil and the Public Good (with Quinn Mills), World Scientific, 2015; Transformation and Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Prospects (with Bruno Dallago), Routledge, 2016; The Kremlin Strikes Back: Russia and the West After Crimea's Annexation, Cambridge University Press, 2016; The Trump Phenomenon and Future of US Foreign Policy (with Quinn Mills), World Scientific, 2016; Trump's Populist America, World Scientific, 2017; China's Market Communism: Challenges, Dilemmas, Solutions (with Jonathan Leightner), Routledge, 2017; The Unwinding of the Globalist Dream: EU, Russia and China (with Masaaki Kuboniwa, Kumiko Haba and Satoshi Mizobata, eds.), World Scientific, 2017; Putin's Russia: Economic, Political and Military Foundations, World Scientific, 2020; Progressive and Populists: The New Forces in American Politics (with Quinn Mills), World Scientific, 2020; Beleaguered Superpower: Biden's America Adrift (with Quinn Mills), World Scientific, 2021.