The volume of proceedings of the Xth International Seminar on High Energy Physics, Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics brings together reports from the major experimental collaborations at JINR, Fermilab, Brookhaven, SATURNE, Orsay, GSI Darmstadt, Riken Cyclotron Lab. KEK, SLAC, Novosibirsk, MIT Bates, IHEP USSR and summaries of the major theoretical and experimental advances made in relativistic and nuclear physics over the last two years. The focus of the volume is upon relativistic nuclear physics, but the coverage of topics is sufficiently comprehensive to include many important results of cumulative reactions, polarization phenomena in nuclear physics, non nucleon degrees of freedom in nuclei.
Sample Chapter(s)
Nonlocal Hadronization in QCD (271 KB)
- On New Resonances in Quantum Electrodynamics (A M Baldin)
- A Chiral Quark – Model of the Nucleon – The Spin Content of the Proton (M Wakamatsu)
- Interplay of Light and Heavy-Quark Flavors in Baryon Structure (M Rho)
- Six-Quark Admixture in the Three — Nucleon System (B L G Bakke)
- Measurement of Structure Function of Nucleon F2(x, Q2) of the Bound Nucleon in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering from Carbon (G I Smirnov)
- Nuclear Structure and Deep Inelastic Scattering (L P Kaptari & A Yu Umnikov)
- Structure Functions of Deuteron and Mesonic and Quark Degrees of Freedom in Nuclei (V V Burov et al)
- Parity-Violating Electron Scattering from Nucleons and Nuclei (T W Donnelly)
- Strangeness Production in High Energy Nuclear Collisions (M Sano)
- Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics at CERN SPS: Results from NA34 and From the Emulsion Experiments (A Marzari-Chiesa)
- Particle Densities and Fluctuations in High Energy Nucleus — Nucleus Collisions Measured in Tracking Detectors with High Space Resolution (I Otterlund et al)
- Status and Perspectives of Physics Programs at SATURNE (J Saudinos)
- Theoretical Perspectives on RHIC Physics (C B Dover)
- and other papers
Readership: Nuclear and high energy physicists.