This is a collection of lectures on topics in cosmology and elementary particles with emphasis on astrophysics. Delivered by prominent scientists, the lectures give up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of the areas covered.
- Pulsars: New Celestial Clocks (D Backer)
- Gravitation and Early Universe Cosmology (J Barrow)
- Large Scale Structure and Peculiar Motions in the Universe (R Giovanelli)
- Precision Tests of the Standard Model and Top Quark Physics (W Marciano)
- Abelian Instantons, Particle Physics and Cosmology (B Ovrut)
- Probing the Early Universe: Predictions and Tests (D Schramm)
- Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Large Scale Structure and Baryogenesis (N Turok)
- Semionics: A Possible Theory of High Temperature Superconductivity (A Zee)
- Mapping the Galaxy Distribution in the Southern Hemisphere (L da Costa)
- Unified Description of Quark and Lepton Mass Matrices (E Ma)
Readership: Cosmologists, astrophysicists and astronomists.