The papers included here deal with the many faces of renormalization group formalism as it is used in different branches of theoretical physics. The subjects covered emphasize various applications to the theory of turbulence, chaos, quantum chaos in dynamical systems, spin systems and vector models. Also discussed are applications to related topics such as quantum field theory and chromodynamics, high temperature superconductivity and plasma physics.
- RG in Chern-Simons Field Theories and High-temperature Superconductivity (L V Avdeev & D I Kazakov)
- The Three-Loop QED Photon Vacuum Polarization Function in the MS-Scheme and the Four-Loop QED β-Function in the On-Shell Scheme (S G Gorishny et al)
- Method of Effective Charges and Brodsky-Lepage-MacKenzie Criterion (G Grunberg)
- Critical Exponents for Ising-Like Systems in Non-Integer Dimensions from Field Theory (Yu Holovatch & M Shpot)
- Scaling in Superconductors: Three-loop RG Expansions for a Three-Dimensional Model with Three Coupling Constants (S A Antonenko & A I Sokolov)
- A Renormalization Group Analysis of Frustrated Non-Collinear Magnets (P Azaria & B Delamotte)
- Critical Properties of the N-Vector Model Near Large-Scale Defects (R Z Bariev && I Z Ilaldinov)
- Dynamics of the Inhomogeneous Excitations in the One-Dimensional Isotropic X-Y Model of Spin s=1/2 (G O Berim)
- The Principle of Maximal Randomness in the Theory of Fully Developed Turbulence (L Ts Adzhemyan & M Yu Nalimov)
- Chaotic Renormalization Group Transformations (P H Damagaard)
- Symmetry Breaking Bifurcations in Chaotic Systems (P Grassberger & A S Pikovsky)
- The Renormalization Group Method Based on Group Analysis (V F Kovalev et al)
- and other papers
Readership: Theoretical, statistical, mathematical and nuclear physics.