The contents of this volume consist of 15 lectures on mathematics and its applications which include the following topics: dynamics of neural network, phase transition of cellular automata, homoclinic bifurcations, ergodic theories of low dimensional dynamical systems, Anosov endomorphisms and Anosov flows, axiom A systems, complex dynamical systems, multi-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems and holomorphic vector fields.
Sample Chapter(s)
Nonlinear Associative Dynamics and Pattern Representations in Chaotic Neural Networks (2,009 KB)
- Nonlinear Associative Dynamics and Pattern Representations in Chaotic Neural Networks (T Ikeguchi et al.)
- Neural Networks, Approximation Theory, and Dynamical Systems (K Funahashi & Y Nakamura)
- Switched Dynamical Systems — Dynamics of a Class of Circuits with Switch (H Kawakami & R Lozi)
- Evolutionary Dynamics of Complex Systems: Self-Organization toward Criticality at the Border between Order and Chaos (Y Gunji & K Ito)
- N-Homoclinic Bifurcations of Piecewise Linear Vector Fields (K Iori et al.)
- A Classification of Cusp-Type Maps (T Inoue)
- Infinitesimal Stability of Anosov Endomorphisms (H Ikeda)
- On Jakobson's Theorem (M Tsujii)
- Geometric Approach to Ratner's Rigidity Theorem and its Extension (R Abe)
- Transverse Invariant 1-Forms for Anosov Flows on 3-Manifolds (N Watanabe)
- Poisson's Law for Axiom A System (M Hirata)
- On Quasiconformal Equivalence on the Boundary of the Tricorn (S Nakane)
- Böttcher's Theorem and Super-Stable Manifolds for Multidimensional Complex Dynamical Systems (S Ushiki)
- Remarks on Holomorphic Vector Fields in C2 and Invariants of the Graph Links (N Oka)
- The Mandelbrot Set and Kneading Sequences (A Kameyama)
Readership: Mathematicians, physicists and engineers.