This book covers major themes in the spectroscopy of baryons, some light mesons, and involves some limited discussion of baryons in nuclei. A comprehensive review of theoretical models is included. All currently operating accelerator facilities and future facilities of the 1990s are reviewed, with experimental programs discussed in detail.
- Science Policy into the 21st Century (D A Bromley)
- Baryons in the Future at LAMPF (D H White)
- The Pre-QCD Quark Model (H J Lipkin)
- Electromagnetic Decay Widths of Hadrons (D Kusnezov)
- Baryons in Nuclear Matter: A Meson-Exchange Point of View (J Wambach)
- Theoretical Aspects of the Polarizability of the Nucleon (A I L'vov)
- Strange Quark Matter (C B Dover)
- Once More on the Applicability of Perturbative QCD to Elastic Form Factors (A V Radyushkin)
- Status of Baryon Production at LEP (R J Hemingway)
- Baryons with Heavy Quark Symmetry (N Isgur)
- Baryons and Chiral Symmetry (S Weinberg)
- and other papers
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in high energy physics and nuclear physics.