This meeting addresses all aspects of computational methodology with applications to most branches of physics, especially massively parallel computing, symbolic computing, Monte Carlo simulations of quantum systems, neuro-computing, fluids and plasmas, physics education, mesoscopic physics, dynamical systems, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo techniques, etc.
- Neural Multigrid Methods for Gauge Theories and Other Disordered Systems (M Bäker et al.)
- On the Use of the Symbolic Language Maple in Physics and Chemistry: Several Examples (J Číǽek et al.)
- Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Catalysis and Population Models (R Dickman)
- Computer Algebra, Symmetry Analysis and Integrability of Nonlinear Evolution Equations (V P Gerdt)
- The Path-Integral Quantum Simulation of Hydrogen in Metals (M J Gillan & F Christodoulos)
- Numerical Implementation of a K.A.M. Algorithm (H R Jauslin)
- A Review of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (S Succi et al.)
- Electronic Structure of Solids in the Self-Interaction Corrected Local-Spin-Density Approximation (A Svane)
- and others
Readership: Physicists, chemists and computer scientists.