Sample Chapter(s)
Topological Gauge Theory & Yang Mills Theory (2,015 KB)
- Topological Gauge Theory & Yang Mills Theory (G Thompson)
- Classical String Scattering in 1 + 1 Dimensions (M Bershadsky & D Kutasov)
- Infinite Symmetry and Ward Identities in Two-Dimensional String Theory (I R Klebanov & A Pasquinucci)
- A New Supersymmetric Index (S Cecotti et al.)
- Symmetries of String Effective Action (J Maharana)
- Marginal Flows between Mirror Pairs of Landau-Ginzburg String Vacua: Thickening Moduli Space via c = 0 Theories (R Schimmrigk)
- Non-Perturbative Analysis of an N = 2 Landau-Ginzburg Model (W A Leaf-Herrmann)
- On Physical States in c < 1 String Theory (S Govindarajan)
- Tree Amplitudes in Non-Critical N = 2 Strings (D Dalmazi)
- A Class of Finite Sigma Models, String Vacua with Null Killing Vector and 2D Quantum Gravity (A A Tseytlin)
- The Ring Structure of Chiral Operators for Minimal Models Coupled to 2D Gravity (M H Sarmadi)
- The Nonlinear Schrödinger Hierarchy in Matrix Models (C S Xiong)
- Solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation for Kac-Kazhdan Spins and Their Relevance for Quantum “Drinfeld-Sokolov” Reduction (P Furlan et al.)
- W Algebras, W Gravities and Their Moduli Spaces (F A Bais et al.)
- The Ground Ring of the W3 String (C N Pope & X J Wang)
- Black Holes in Cosmological Einstein-Maxwell Theory (L J Romans)
- Black Holes and Solitons in String Theory (A Sen)
- Exact Stringy Charged and Uncharged Black Hole Solutions in Four Dimensions (D Gershon)
- Self-Duality and Supersymmetry (E Sezgin)
- Recent Results from LEP (J R Batley)
- Neutrino Physics (P Langacker)
- Lectures on B + L Violation at High Temperature in Electroweak Theory (L McLerran)
- Introduction to Supersymmetry (Y Shamir)
- Supersymmetry and Supergravity Grand Unification (R Arnowitt & P Nath)
- Post-Modern Cosmology (R K Schaefer)
- The COBE Differential Microwave Radiometer Anisotropy Detection (C H Lineweaver)
- and other papers
Readership: High energy physicists.