In the four years since the first Trieste Meeting on Spin and Polarization Dynamics in Nuclear and Particle Physics, considerable progress has been made both in the theoretical and experimental aspects of this field. The polarization phenomena have given rise to many more detailed and crucial tests which enhance our understanding of particle physics. New information can also be uncovered in the process of conducting the various tests. For this reason, considerable efforts have been put into the present and future accelerators to extend the experimental data to measure polarization asymmetries for both polarized targets and polarized scattered and produced particles. The 2nd Adriatico Research Conference held in January 1992 brought together both theorists and experimentalists who presented many new findings. These findings have been compiled into this compact volume to give a complete picture of the wide range of theoretical and experimental problems, difficulties, results, prospects and hopes which are at the core of particle physics studies today. It will be a useful guide for the present status of polarization phenomena and their fundamental implications.
- The SMC Experiment on Polarised Muon Scattering Off Polarised Nucleons (N de Botton et al.)
- Update and Status Report of the HELP Project (L Dick)
- Polarization at LEP: Status and Prospects (J P Koutchouk)
- Polarized Gas Targets and Ion Sources (W Kubischta)
- Elastic Scattering and Total Cross Sections of Polarized Neutrons on Polarized Protons at Saturne II (F Lehar)
- Polarized Protons at RHIC (Y Makdisi)
- Toward Tests of Time Reversal Invariance in Polarization Phenomena at KEK (A Masaike)
- Spin Physics Projects at the IHEP Accelerating Storage Complex (UNK) (S B Nurushev)
- Recent Developments in Stored Polarized Electron Positron Beams (R Rossmanith)
- Experimental Results with the Fermilab Polarized Beams (A Yokosawa)
- Effective Coupling Functions Extracted from the Scattering Experiments with Polarized Protons at Moderate Energies (A O Barut et al.)
- The Proton Spin Problem, Theoretical Viewpoint (A V Efremov)
- Numerical Analysis of the Quark Fraction of the Proton Spin (J E Mandula)
- QCD and EMC 2: The Proton Spin Crisis is Still Here (G Preparata)
- Inclusive Polarization in pp Collisions (J Soffer)
- Spin Effects in Elastic Scattering and Nonperturbative Dynamics (S M Troshin)
- Spin Dependence of NN Forces — Nuclear Evidence (S Wycech)
- and other papers
Readership: Nuclear and high energy physicists.