The strongest part of this volume is the treatment of nonperturbative field theory with implications for baryon number violation at high energies and cosmology. Also, the volume contains some fresh results concerning anyons, lattice field theory, perturbative field theory and astrophysics.
- Baryon Violation in the One Instanton Sector is a Semiclassical Process at High Energy (A Mueller)
- Large-Order Perturbation Theory for the Electromagnetic Current-Current Correlation Function (L G Yaffe)
- Fermions in Anomalous Processes (O R Espinosa)
- Semiclassical Instanton-Like Transitions at High Energies (V A Rubakov et al.)
- Pair Production and Back Reaction in Strong Fields: Numerical Results (E Mottola)
- Dynamical Monopoles and Confinement (E T Tomboulis)
- Yukawa Interaction as a Mechanism of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (J Jersak)
- Reflection Positive Chiral Gauge Theories on a Lattice (S V Zenkin)
- Quantum Spin Systems and the Vacuum Structure of Strong Coupling Gauge Theory with Dynamical Fermions (E Langmann et al.)
- On the Validity of Mean Field Theory for Anyons on a Lattice (A A Ovchinnikov)
- BCS Pairing in Anyon Systems (M I Dobroliubov)
- Scalar Field Theoretic Approach to Anyon Superconductivity (N Weiss)
- Direct Photon Production by Polarized Beam and Target: One-Loop Corrections (A P Contogouris et al.)
- Is CP a Gauge Symmetry? (A E Nelson)
- A Review of the Instability of Hot Electroweak Theory and Its Bounds on mh and mt (P B Arnold)
- Testing Classical Nucleation Theory (M Alford)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists.