This last decade has seen remarkable growth in the Asian Pacific region in the off-shore oil, petrochemical, power and process industries and the rapid change in these fields requires constant updating and reappraisal of the available and new technologies. The proceedings of the seminar will contain papers from representatives from many countries to address current technological issues and discuss engineering development and operating experiences. The proceedings will therefore greatly benefit those who wish to learn about the new developments in the areas of application of pressure vessels and piping technology.
- The Practice of Defect Assessment for Pressure Vessels in China (C-D Liu)
- The Development of Low Temperature Design Rules in BS5500 and the European Pressure Vessel Standards (S J Garwood)
- Advantages of Finite Element Methods Against Conventional Code Theory for the Assessment of Small and Large Diameter Flange Behaviour (T Furner et al.)
- Seismic Design Criteria for the Reactor Vessel Internals of the Korean Standard Nuclear Power Plant (M J Jhung & W G Hwang)
- Strain Measuring Techniques for Pressure Vessel Acceptance Tests (V M Kozousek)
- Technology Developments in the Design and Maintenance of Aboveground Storage Tanks (A T Radhakrishnan)
- Probabilistic Assessment of Wall Thickness Requirement for Underground Pipelines Subjected to Corrosion (M Ahammed & R E Melchers)
- Fracture Mechanics Technology in Industry: Defect Assessment Using the BSI PD 6493 Approach (J H L Pang)
- Preventing Cracking Due to Vibration in Pt. Arun's Rich Carbonate Line (N Sutiksna & B Radian)
- An Algorithm for the Prediction of Hardness of Repair Welds in 2.25 Cr-1 Mo Pressure Vessel Steel — A Preliminary Investigation (R S Chandel & A S Oddy)
- and other papers
Readership: Engineers and engineering managers.