- Fluctuation in Nuclear Dynamics and Multifragmentation (P Chomaz et al.)
- Simulations of Intermediate-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions within Relativistic Mean-Field Two-Fluid Model (Y B Ivanov et al.)
- Classical Cluster Formation Model. A Comparison with Au + Cu at 600 MeV.A Data (J B Garcia & C Cerruti)
- Evolution of Multifragment Emission Regime between 3 and 5.5 MeV/u Excitation Energy (M Louvel et al.)
- Experimental Evidence for Intermittency (P Désesquelles)
- The Role of Transmission Coefficient in the Statistical Model (G La Rana et al.)
- Exclusive Measurements of Neural Pion Production at Intermediate Energies (A Badalá et al.)
- The Strength Function and the Angular Distribution of the GDR in Hot Rotating Nuclei (A Bracco et al.)
- Investigation of Multiphonon Giant Resonances and Experiments with Neutron-Rich Light Nuclei (M P J Zinser)
- EUROGAM: The Detector and Some First Results (N Redon)
- and other papers
Readership: Nuclear physicists.