With the Taiwan experience as background, the major theme of this conference is to examine prospective economic development of Taiwan in the 1990s and beyond, together with discussions of the economic development of other countries in the Pacific Rim. Scholars from the United States like Lawrence R Klein (Pennsylvania), Gustav Ranis and John C H Fei (Yale), Lawrence J Lau (Stanford) and Hugh Patrick (Columbia); Chikashi Moriguchi, Mitsuo Saito, Shinichi Ichimura and Hisao Kanamori from Japan; and many others including Dr Samuel C Shieh, President of the Central Bank and Dr Shirley Kuo W Y, Chairperson of the Council for economy, contributed papers. Special guest speakers included President Lee Teng-Hui and Premier Hau Pei-Tsun.
- Key Factors for High Growth with Equity — The Taiwan Experience, 1952–1990 (S W Y Kuo)
- Prospects for Economic Performance in the Pacific Rim During the 1990s & the Early 21st Century (A Y C Koo)
- Prospects & Problems for the Advanced Industrial Economies of the Asia-Pacific Area (L R Klein)
- The Sources of Economic Growth of the Newly Industrialized Countries on the Pacific Rim (J I Kim & L J Lau)
- Special Problems of Asean Economies — Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand (V Socatiyanurak)
- Special Problems of Other Developing Countries of the Pacific Basin — The Economies in Transition of Southeast Asia and China, and of the Pacific Islands (J-P A Verbiest)
- Some General Equilibrium Model Estimates of the Impact of the Uruguay Round and of the “1992” Process in the European Community on the Newly Industralised Countries of East Asia (J Waelbroeck et al.)
- Demography & Aggregate Saving (A Ando)
- Economic Nexus between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits — With Special Emphasis on Hong Kong's Role (T-B Lin)
- Economic Basis of Integration within the Pacific Basin — A Summary (C Moriguchi)
- Technological Trends in the Pacific Basin (M Saito & I Tokutsu)
- Primary Production & Trade in the Pacific Basin (J T H Tsao)
- Economic Relations of the Pacific Basin with Restructuring Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union (A Simon)
- Correlation between Political Changes and Economic Changes in Asia — Past, Present and Future (H Kanamori)
- Stock Market in Pacific Basin Countries (M Keran)
- Financial Markets in the Pacific Basin: An Inside View (S C Shieh)
Readership: Economists.