The annual conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics is a continuous monitor of the state of the art and new trends in designing, constructing and operating hadron and e.m. calorimeters for high energy physics experiments. The fourth conference included sessions on Read-Out Devices, Front-End, Sampling Calorimeters, DAQ and Trigger, Crystals, Precision Calorimeters, Gas, Solid State and others, Simulation and Radiation Damage
Sample Chapter(s)
Selected Topics in Sampling Calorimetry (543 KB)
- Selected Topics in Sampling Calorimetry (D Green)
- Ionization EM Calorimetry with Accordion Electrodes and Liquid Krypton or Argon (V Radeka)
- Test of a Fast, Low Noise Readout of Pure CsI Crystals with Avalanche Photodiodes (E Lorenz)
- First Observation of the Scintillation of Liquid Xenon, Krypton and Argon with a Csl Photocathode (V Peskov)
- Monolithic Front-End Preamplifiers for a Broad Range of Calorimetry Applications (P F Manfredi)
- Shashlik Calorimeter for CMS (R Tanaka)
- The New Lead Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter for the H1 Detector (U Goerlach)
- CDF End Plug Calorimeter Upgrade Project (G Apollinari)
- The PHENIX Electromagnetic Calorimeter (S White)
- SDC Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (S Dasu)
- First Results from a Prototype Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger System for LHC (A Gillman)
- Results from Crystal Clear Collaboration (P Lecoq)
- Studies on Electromagnetic Calorimetry with Lead Fluoride Crystals (R D Appuhn)
- A Crystal Calorimeter for CMS at LHC (T S Virdee)
- Beam Taste Results of a Liquid Argon Hadron Calorimeter in RD3 (B Mansoulié)
- Performance of the Lead — Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter Prototypes for the KLOE Experiment (S Miscetti)
- A New Approach to Forward Calorimetry in Supercollider Experiments (R Wigmans)
- High Pressure Gas Calorimeter (R Shuvalov)
- Simulation Programs Overview (F Carminati)
- Experimental Benchmark of GEANT (L Urbán)
- FLUKA: Present Status and Future Developments (A Ferrari)
- Development of Radiation-Hard Scintillators (F Markley)
- Radiation Resistance of a Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter (A Maio)
- Summary of R&D for Scintillating Tile and WLS Fiber for the SDC Calorimeter (A Byon-Wagner)
- Radiation Hardness of Shashlik Calorimeter (J Badier)
- and more than 60 other papers
Readership: High energy physicists.