These proceedings contain papers by some of the world's leading experts in the analytical and numerical modelling of sediment transport, its measurement on site and in the laboratory, river and coastal morphology, and similar issues. These topics are of fundamental importance in many areas (such as the silting or erosion of coasts and rivers, and the design of fluvial or coastal structures) and should consequently be of interest to a wide audience in engineering, geology and related disciplines.
- Structure of Turbulence Over Two-Dimensional Dunes (S J Bennett & J L Best)
- Numerical Study on Transition to Turbulence in a Wave Boundary Layer (H Tanaka & A Sana)
- Numerical Modelling of Three-Dimensional Cohesive Sediment Transport in an Estuarine Environment (L Cancino & R Neves)
- Settlement: A Sedimentary Process (M Sanchez & A Grovel)
- Mass Transport Over Rippled Beds (F Marin & J F A Sleath)
- Laboratory Experiments on Sediment Erosion Induced by Partially Standing Waves (V Rey et al)
- The Behaviour, Interaction and Effect of Depositing Grains (M V C Wheeler & B B Willetts)
- Breaking Waves-Plunging Point and Its Effects (Y Yüksel & M S Kapdasli)
- A Field Study of Wave-Current Interactions Over a Rippled Sand Bed (A Hannay et al)
- Sediment Suspension by Turbulence in the Surf Zone (G G Smith & G P Mocke)
- On Nuclear Gauging of Natural Streams (G S Tazioli)
- and other papers
Readership: Engineers, geographers and geologists.