This volume constitutes the proceedings of the above conference, held to celebrate the 60th birthday of Yakir Aharonov. Two Nobel laureates (Norman Ramsey and Charles Townes), members of the National Academy of Sciences and Cresson Medal winners were among the speakers. Among the topics discussed are quantum reality, geometric phases and the Aharonov–Bohm effect, spin and statistics, black holes and quantum gravity. All of these are fundamental to our understanding of quantum theory and are related by being aspects of quantum theory on subjects that Yakir Aharonov has considered.
- Dynamic Observation of Flux Lines Based on the AB Effect Principle (A Tonomura)
- Aharonov Effects for Two Slits and Separated Oscillatory Fields Interferences (N Ramsey)
- Faster than Fourier (M Berry)
- Quantum Phase in Action (A Zee)
- Liberating Exotic Slaves (F Wilczek)
- Evidence for a Massive Black Hole in the Center of Our Galaxy (C Townes)
- Black Holes, Wormholes, and the Disappearance of Global Charge (S Coleman)
- Unitarity of the Black Hole Scattering Matrix (G t' Hooft)
- Topological Phases and Their Duality in Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields (J Anandan)
- Non Locality and Objectivity in Quantum State Reduction (R Penrose)
- A Non-Polarization EPR Experiment: Observation of High-Visibility Franson Interference Fringes (R Y Chiao et al)
- Toward “It from Bit” (J A Wheeler)
- (Para)Bosons, (Para)Fermions, Quons and Other Beasts in the Menagerie of Particle Statistics (O W Greenberg et al)
- A New Formulation of Quantum Mechanics (Y Aharonov)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists interested in quantum theory.