- Fundamental Constants from b and c Decays (S Stone)
- Our Present Understanding of CP Violation (J Rosner)
- CDF Results on the W Mass and the Search for the Top (H J Frisch)
- Recent Results in Supergravity Guts (R Arnowitt)
- Constrained Minimal Supersymmetry — Results, Tests, Predictions (G L Kane)
- Spacetime Topology Change and Stringy Geometry (B R Greene)
- Black Holes, Interactions, and Strings (L Susskind)
- How Many Solar Neutrino Experiments are Wrong? (J N Bahcall)
- Solar Neutrinos: Present and Future (E Fiorini)
- Observing the Early Universe with COBE (E L Wright)
- The Latest MACHO Results: Microlensing Towards the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Galactic Bulge (D P Bennett)
- The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Project: A Status Report (S E Whitcomb)
- Cosmology after COBE: Surveying the Wreckage (D N Spergel)
- Cosmology at the Millenium (J A Frieman)
- Problems of Astro-Particle Physics in the Quasi-Steady State Cosmology (J V Narlikar)
- The Power of Holomorphy — Exact Results in 4d SUSY Field Theories (N Seiberg)
- "Time After Time" in Eternal Inflation (Surreality) (Y Ne'eman)
- The Black Hole Information Puzzle: A Progress Report (A Strominger)
- Cosmology in the Laboratory (M J Bowick)
- The Non-Commutative Geometry of Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Conformal Field Theory (J Fröhlich)
- Strings, Cosmology, ... and a Particle (G Veneziano)
- Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum General Relativity (A Ashtekar)
- and other papers
Readership: High energy physicists and cosmologists.