The problem of particle transport in extended systems is addressed in this book. It has important implications from both the conceptual and applied points of view. A community of researchers from different disciplines and fields is actively engaged in studying this problem, often using similar methodologies. The main subjects covered in this book are relevant to nonlinear diffusion in plasmas and to transport dynamics in accelerators and free electron lasers.
- Reduction of N-Body Dynamics to Particle-Wave Interaction in Plasmas (M Atoni et al.)
- Microscopic Description of Langmuir Waves Revisited through Classical Mechanics (D F Escande et al.)
- Turbulent Transport of Diluted Impurities (M Ottaviani)
- Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Open Strongly Non-Equilibrium Vlasov Plasma Systems (Y S Sigov & V D Levchenko)
- Object-Oriented Plasma Model (Code Sur) (V D Levchenko & Y S Sigov)
- Numerical Quasilinear Study of Collisionless Relaxation of a Diffuse Electron Beam Injected into Plasma Half-Space (Y S Sigov & D E Tamarkin)
- Stochastic Computer Simulation of Nonequilibrium Media (G I Zmievskaya)
- From Kinetic Equation to Clausius Inequality (V G Molinari & F Pizzio)
- Spatial Equilibrium Distribution Function of a Degenerate Gas in an External Field (V G Molinari & D Mostacci)
- A Monte Carlo Code for Photon Transport in Plasma-Derived X-Ray Evaluations (A Tartari et al.)
- The Cascade-Exciton Approach to Nuclear Reactions (Foundation and Achievements) (S G Mashnik & S A Smolyansky)
- Charged Particle Self-Interactions (E J Brändas)
- Local Diffusion Properties of the Standard MAP (G Turchetti et al.)
- Solution of the Liouvillie Propagation Equation and the Symmetric Split Operator Technique (L Giannessi & A Marranca)
- Results for an Integro-Differential Equation Arising in a Radiation Evolution Problem (G Dattoli et al.)
- Free Electron Lasers: The Turbulent Regime (P Chaix)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists, mathematicians and engineers.