The subject of this volume, recent developments in foliation theory and important related analytic and geometric techniques, is an active field in the application of both global analysis and geometric topological theory of manifolds to the study of foliations. This volume includes research papers by leading specialists, giving an overview of this subject.
- Leafwise Cohomology, Leafwise Homologies, and Subfoliations (J A Álvarez Lopez & G Hector)
- Géométrie Et Topologie Des Espaces Difféologiques (G Hector)
- On Contact Groupoids and Their Simplectification (P Libermann)
- Minimal Submanifolds in Infinite Dimensions (Y Maeda et al.)
- Lagrangian Holonomy (P Molino)
- From Foliations to Coarse Geometry and Back (J Roe)
- and other papers
Readership: Mathematicians and physicists.