This volume contains mini reviews on progress in lattice QCD, baryons in heavy quark effective theories, recent results from LEP experiments, Higgs and SUSY search at LHC, physics at DAøNE-INFN, particle astrophysics and high energy neutrino telescopes. There are also specialized topics on mass effects on running coupling in Bogoliubov renormalization group, neutrino physics, extended Higgs structures, physics beyond the Standard Model, CP-violation studies, mesons and glueballs for large NC, dynamic confinement, isospin violation, effective field theories, the fermion mass problem, domain wall, monopoles, meson spectroscopy, Grassman space and particle theories at finite temperatures, and nonlocal field theories. Contributions describe the latest progress in both theoretical and experimental physics.
- Mass Effects in Running Coupling Evolution and Hard Processes (D V Shirkov)
- Lattice QCD and the Standard Model (A Kronfeld)
- Dynamic Confinement and Meson Spectroscopy (M G Olsson)
- Mesons and Glueballs in Large N Models for QCD (K Demeterfi)
- On the Mass Corrections in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory (D Pirjol)
- Heavy Baryons in Heavy Quark Effective Theory (J Köerner & J Landgraf)
- Strangeness Production in High-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions (J Cleymans)
- Radiative Corrections to the Neutron Decay Rate at Finite Temperature (R Baier et al.)
- Exclusive Photon-Induced Hadronic Reactions at Large Momentum Transfers (W Schweiger)
- Two-Photon Physics at ARGUS (G Kernel)
- Effective Lagrangians for Light Quarks (J Bijnens)
- Quark Off-Shell Effects in Flavour-Changing Decays (J O Eeg & I Picek)
- Two-Doublet Higgs Structure at the Electroweak Energy Scale (E Ma)
- Selected Topics from LEP Results (B Bloch-Devaux)
- The CMS Detector and Its Physics Potential (D Denegri)
- Left-Right Gauge Symmetry at the TeV Energy Scale (E Ma)
- The Fermion Mass Problem (C D Froggatt)
- Nonlocality as an Explanation for Finetuning and Field Replications in Nature (D L Bennett et al.)
- High Energy Neutrino Astronomy and Its Telescopes (F Halzen)
- Recent Results and Future Perspective on Gamma-Rays Astrophysics (G Barbiellini)
- Neutrinos Interacting with Polarizable Media (W Grimus & H Neufeld)
- Is Electroweak Baryogenesis Classical? (T Prokopec)
- Can CP Violation Exclude Standard Model Baryogenesis? (J Orloff)
- and other papers
Readership: High energy particle physicists and astroparticle physicists.