The volume constitutes the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations (ICNF'95) held in Palanga, Lithuania, in the period 29 May – 3 June 1995.
International conference of fluctuation phenomena has a rich history. Previous ones were held in St. Louis (USA, 1993), Kyoto (Japan, 1991), Budapest (Hungary, 1989), Montreal (Canada, 1983), etc. The conference proved to be successful in bringing together specialists in fluctuation phenomena in very different areas, and providing a bridge linking theorists and applied scientists involved in the design of new generation of electronic devices. Correspondingly, the volume covers fundamental aspects of noise in various fields of science and modern technology. Mesoscopic fluctuations, noise in high temperature superconductors, in nanoscale structures, in optoelectronic and microwave devices, fluctuation phenomena in biological systems and human body are in the spotlight.
- High-Frequency Noise in Heterostructures (V Bareikis et al.)
- Noise in Mesoscopic Conductors and Capacitors (M Büttiker)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Noise in Nanostructures (V V Mittin et al.)
- Why is the Noise So Strong in High-Tc Superconductors? (L B Kiss et al.)
- On the Level-Crossing Problem of Spherically Invariant Random Processes (R Tetzlaff et al.)
- Plasma and Transit-Time Effects on Electronic Noise in Semiconductor n+nn+ Structures (L Reggiani et al.)
- Contribution of Interparticles Correlations to Electronic Noise in Semiconductors (L Varani)
- Noise Spectroscopy of Band States in CdS Based Photoconducting Materials (A Carbone & P Mazzetti)
- Quantum 1/f Noise Theory and Experiment (P H Handel)
- Flicker Noise and Material Defectness (V Palenskis et al.)
- Models of Burst and RTS Noise (J Sikula)
- A New Approach to Calculate Low Frequency Noise Parameters of Electronic Devices (Y-S Dai & X-H Chen)
- The Gate Voltage Dependence of the 1/f Noise Parameter α in MOS Transistors (L K J Vandamme)
- Low-Frequency Noise in BJT's and HBT's (T G M Kleinpenning)
- Correlation between Electrical and Optical 1/f Noises in Laser Diodes as a Function of Series Resistance 1/f Noise (K Daulasim et al.)
- A Low-Frequency Noise Study of State-of-the-Art Silicon n +p Junction Diodes (E Simoen et al.)
- Excess Noise and Reliability in Electronic Devices (B K Jones)
- Phenomenology and Mechanism of 1/f Fluctuations in Neuronal Activities of Cat's Central Nervous System (M Yamamoto)
- Noisy On-Off Intermittency (A (enys & H Lustfeld)
- Model of the Mechanism of Acoustic Emission in Polycrystalline Ferrites (R Rankis et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists, electronic engineers and biologists.