This volume is a review on the recent progresses done in the understanding of the physics of the superconducting arrays. It consists of five sessions:
- From the single superconducting junction to the Josephson Junction array: an introduction to theory, meaningful experiments and technology
- Charging effects and phase transitions
- Static properties of classical JJ arrays
- Dynamics and Coherence in Classical JJ Arrays
- Toward JJ Arrays Applications
All the topical contributions go well beyond those characteristics of the condensed matter physics and offer links to the domains of the nonlinear science, complex systems and statistical mechanics.
- Plasma Modes in Homogeneous or Periodic Superconducting Films Using the Londons' Equations (O Buisson et al.)
- Proximity Superconductivity in Hybrid Metallic Nanostructures (H Courtois et al.)
- On the Switching Current of Small Josephson Junctions (M H Devoret et al.)
- Charging Effects in One-Dimensional Josephson Junction Arrays (G Falci et al.)
- Vortex Dynamics in Josephson Junction Arrays and Superconductors (A van Otterlo et al.)
- Disorder, Quasiperiodicity, Anisotropy and Commensurability in Superconducting Wire Networks (M A Itzler et al.)
- Phase-Locking in Small Josephson Junction Cells (M Basler et al.)
- Verification of a New Nonlinear IV-Exponent: Simulation of the 2D Coulomb Gas with Langevin Dynamics (K Holmlund & P Minnhagen)
- Dynamics of Current Driven Disordered Josephson Junctions Arrays (D Domínguez et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists and materials scientists.