This proceedings is a collection of articles in several complex variables with emphasis on geometric methods and results, which includes several survey papers reviewing the development of the topics in these decades. Through this volume one can see an active field providing insight into other fields like algebraic geometry, dynamical systems and partial differential equations.
- Compositional Roots of Hénon Maps (G T Buzzard & J E Fornaess)
- A Progress Report on Analytic Hypoellipticity (M Christ)
- Some Aspects of the Levi Problem: Recent Developments (K Diederich)
- Complex Analysis in an Infinite Dimensional Setting (S Dineen)
- CR Structures and Tubular Complex Neighborhoods (M Kuranishi)
- Holomorphic Foliations with Compatible Degenerate Kähler Metrics: Applications to the Shafarevich Conjecture and to Fibration Theorems (N Mok)
- The Fujita Conjecture and the Extension Theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi (Y T Siu)
- On a Problem of Ohsawa (M Tsuji)
- and other papers
Readership: Graduate students in mathematics and mathematicians.