The Proceedings contain lectures given at the 8th annual Physics Summer School held at The Australian National University. The articles discuss the basic concepts and modern developments in cosmology, including the impact of nuclear and particle physics. They are suitable for both theorists and experimentalists.
- Introduction to General Relativity (M R Anderson)
- Classical Cosmology (G Börner)
- Particle Physics Applied to Cosmology (J Ellis)
- Dark Matter in Galaxies (K C Freeman)
- High-Redshift Galaxies (R W Hunstead)
- The Very Early Universe (V N Lukash)
- The Hubble Constant and the Age of the Universe (J Mould)
- Topological Defects (S Poletti)
- Cosmological Implications of Nuclear Physics (D N Schramm et al.)
- The Epoch of Galaxy Formation (J Silk)
- Statistical Aspects of Large Scale Structure (A S Szalay)
- Gravitational Lensing (R Webster & D Mortlock)
- An Introduction to Quantum Cosmology (D L Wiltshire)
Readership: Astrophysicists and cosmologists.