The International Nuclear Physics Conference, held every three years, is the most pretigeous meeting of nuclear physics. Its programme covers the whole range of nuclear physics and some application, such as relativistic nuclear collisions, mesons and baryons in nuclei, hadron structure and quarks in nuclei, formation and properties of hot nuclei, nuclear reactions at low and intermediate energy, nuclear structure, radioactive nuclear beams, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interaction and symmetries, experimental technique and new facilities, and applied nuclear physics.
The proceedings is a collection of all invited talks on the plenary and parallel sessions. Presented by the leading scientists in their fields, these talks summarized the most recent progress and future prospects in all the aspects of nuclear physics.
- Nuclear Physics — At the Frontier of Knowledge (H Feshbach)
- Fascinating New Fundamental Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions: Extension of the Periodic System into the Sectors of Strangeness and Antimatter (W Greiner)
- Formation and Diagnosis of Hot and Dense Matter in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus–Nuclear Collision: Equilibrated Exotic Fireballs (P Braum-Munzinger)
- The Changes in Properties of Hadrons in Nuclei and Nuclear Matter (M Rho)
- Mesons from Nuclear Collisions and Compressed Nuclear Matter (E Grosse)
- Quark Model Description of Baryon–Baryon Interactions (K Yazaki)
- Fast Multifragment Disintegrations of Expanding Nuclear Systems (C-K Gelbke)
- New Insights into Extremely Deformed Nuclei (J F Sharpey-Schafer)
- Universal Correlations of Nuclear Observables and New Signatures of Structure in Exotic Nuclei: A Review (R F Casten & N V Zamfir)
- New Insights from Neutron- and Proton-Rich Nuclei Far from Stability (J H Hamilton)
- Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclear Structure (S E Koonin)
- Properties and Applications of Hot Giant Resonances (P Paul)
- Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics with Accelerated Beams of Radioactive Ions: A New Multidisciplinary Research Tool (J D Garrett)
- Supernova Explosions, Black Holes and Nucleon Stars (G E Brown)
- Neutrinos and Dark Matters Studied by Nuclear Weak Interactions (H Ejiri)
- Summary of the International Nuclear Physics Conference in Beijing (A Arima)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers in nuclear physics.