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Organ Histology cover

This book is a concise but comprehensive text for review and self evaluation in the study of the microscopic anatomy of the major organ systems of the body. It aims to meet the requirements of students of Medicine, Dentistry, Histopathology, Mammalian Biology and the Paramedical Sciences. The subjects have been chosen to complement a program of physiology and dissection or prosection. Basic concepts of cell and tissue biology are presently considered in separate prerequisite units integrated with biochemistry and genetics and are not included in this text. The approach has been to focus on unique features or diagnostic differences between cells, their function and organisation into organs rather than on pure morphologic description. Developmental aspects of certain organs have been described where these contribute to understanding functional relationships between cells in organ systems.

A uniform text structure (point form) helps the reader to organise, review and retain pertinent information. A summary procedes each chapter which helps to focus on key concepts. Each topic is also prefaced by a list of objectives which serve as a guide for review. In addition, a list of key words (bold in the text), phrases and concepts that should be defined as a result of reading the text. The terminology follows that in contemporary use giving alternative names according to Nomina Histological where possible. A series of plates illustrates in line drawings the major features of cells in organs based on electron micrographs. In addition, tables show functional relationships between cells or their products.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Integumentary System: Skin (719 KB)

  • Integumentary System:
    • Skin
    • Skin Appendages
  • Endocrine System:
    • Hypophysis and Diffuse Neuroendocrine and Chromaffin Systems
    • Thyroid, Parathyroid and Endocrine Pancreas
    • Suprarenal Glands
  • Immune System:
    • Cells of the Immune Response
    • Lymph, Lymph Vessels, Lymph Nodes and Tonsils
    • Thymus and Spleen
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Respiratory System:
    • The Upper Airway
    • The Lungs
  • Digestive System:
    • Oral Cavity
    • Teeth
    • Esophagus and Stomach
    • Intestines
    • Digestive Glands
  • Urinary System:
    • Kidney
    • Renal Pelvis, Calyces, Ureter, Bladder and Urethra
  • Male Reproductive System:
    • The Testis
    • Genital Duct System, Accessory Glands and External Genitalia
  • Female Reproductive System:
    • Ovary
    • Uterine Tubes, Uterus and Vagina
    • External Genitalia and Mammary Glands
    • Placenta
  • The Eye
  • The Ear

Readership: Medical students, biology students and paramedical personnel.