These conference proceedings will be of interest to all accelerator scientists and engineers, as well as those concerned with the application of cyclotrons in various fields. The conference covers the latest developments in the science, technology and use of cyclotrons, and includes more than 25 invited talks by specialists in their respective fields. Contributions include papers on newly operating cyclotrons and facilities under construction, compact cyclotrons, cooler rings and post-accelerators, ion sources, beam dynamics, beam diagnostics, cyclotron components, systems and technologies, as well as medical applications — including radiotherapy and radioisotope production — non-medical applications, radioactive beam facilities and new projects and proposals.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (135 KB)
AGOR: Initial Beam Tests, Transport and Commissioning (554 KB)
- High Power Operation of the PSI-Accelerators (U Schryber et al.)
- Upgrading the GANIL Facilities for High-Intensity Heavy Ion Beams (E Baron)
- Commercial Compact Cyclotrons in the 90s (B F Milton)
- Polymeric Materials Research with Cyclotrons (P Yu Apel)
- High Beam Power RF-Systems for Cyclotrons (P K Sigg et al.)
- RF-Quadrupole Injectors for Cyclotrons (A Schempp)
- Recent Beam Diagnostic Techniques (J Dietrich)
- Commissioning of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (R Maier et al.)
- New Developments at the IUCF Cooler Ring (R E Pollock)
- Future Prospects for ECR Ion Sources with Improved Charge State Distributions (G D Alton)
- High-Intensity Sources for Light Ions (K N Leung)
- Manipulation of the Micro and Macro-Structure of Beams Extracted from Cyclotrons (R E Laxdal)
- Intensity Limitations in Compact H Cyclotrons (R Baartman)
- Commissioning and Use of the PSI Spot-Scanning Isocentric System for Proton Therapy (E Pedroni et al.)
- The Northeast Proton Therapy Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (J B Flanz et al.)
- RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project (Y Yano et al.)
- A Cyclotron-Based Accelerator for Driving the “Energy Amplifier” (N Fiétier et al.)
- The ISAC Project at TRIUMF (H R Schneider)
- and other papers
Readership: Nuclear physicists/accelerator physicists and applied physicists.